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Revision as of 04:47, 17 June 2021

The Mane Man
A powerful predator
LocationDowntown, Seattle Metroplex
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III
Kid Beef
Woodland Park Zoo Security
Eveline Powers


In which the runners steal a lion(ine shifter) from the Woodland Park Zoo.


Six months ago, a leonine shifter from Azania with a rare white pelt was captured by poachers and sold to Evo; due to the silver bullet used, it's nature was not discovered until weeks later after it was transferred to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. Since then Eveline Powers has been keeping the creature under tight scrutiny in a secure containment area designed to mimic it's natural environment (with glass walls to ensure no Awakened guests can discern it's nature via assessing) while it is studied by Evo researchers.

Meanwhile, Brody J needs a cool gift to impress Cecelia Cross, and thinks the neat white lion in the zoo is perfect. Sadly they won't take any amount of money for it, so he's decided to hire some shadowdudes to acquire it.

The Meet

The runners are contacted individually by their fixers and told to meet with their prospective employer at E-Vue in Renton. Everyone manages to arrive without issue, with Mara and Zenith bringing doughnuts, and are held up at the door by Vee-Jay (only Kid Beef adheres to proper etiquette, with the rest attempting to bully their way past until they are allowed inside by Tee & Vee). Inside, they find Brody J in the liminal state between sober and high, with Mara (who manages to resist the urge to do coke) and Zenith working together to ensure The Case remains closed for the duration of the meet.

Brody J fills the runners in on the story - there's this really cool lion at the zoo, but they won't sell it to him, so he wants them to acquire it. There's a back and forth between him and the runners as they attempt to discern his intent for it, and if he's actually capable of taking care of it. Brody J seems honestly enthused at the prospect, and seems to have the resources to care for it, but Kid Beef still volunteers his own animal handling skills (working and living as he does at an animal shelter) to help out.

The Plan

The Run



  • 20k nuyen
  • 5 karma
  • 2 CDP
  • 1 Ebony Credstick
  • Optional Contact: Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III (C4/L2 Lovable Idiot) for 5 RVP or 10 CDP
  • Optional Gear Rewards: Drugs up to 18 availability @ half price

For KB:

  • Optional Contact: Vee-Jay (C2/L2 Bouncer) for 3 RVP or 6 CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)