Naomi Bloodwoven

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Naomi Bloodwoven
Contact OwnerArchtmag
Owner's Discord NameArchtmag
Public Contact?Yes
MetatypeBlood Tainted Anima Spirit
Hobbies/ViceLearning Magic, Discovering Herself, Murder Fantasies
Personal LifeComplicated
FactionDraco Foundation
AspectsThe Taint of Creation
Ares Corpkid
Foundation Connections
Magical Lore
A Fragmented History
Cult Hunter
Spooky Knowledge
Free Time!


The spirit by the name of Naomi has two origins, depending on your perspective. In one, she was born a girl, lived her life, only to have it cruelly cut short by the madness of her father. Now, a patchwork collection of spirits conjoined in a nightmarish blood ritual believes itself to be her, carrying around her memories but not the soul. In the other,

Naomi was borne to two Ares mages, talented researchers in their fields. Growing up at the finest corporate schools, it was expected that she follow in their footsteps. However, she never awakened. As the years crept by, the tensions tore her family apart. Her father, John, eventually started to dip into blood magic. At first, he just wanted to augment his abilities, to let him reach new heights, to delve greater mysteries of spirits and the planes. It very quickly though, became something More him. Eventually, it gave him hope. A way to give the birthright owed to his daughter, and to eliminate his now estranged wife.

Stealing from his corporation, he left in the night with his family, stolen goods, and a cadre of mind controlled servants. Then, finally alone, he went to work. Using his mastery of ritual and binding, he executed an ambitious plan. Binding her knowledge and memories to her blood, Naomi would rise again as a spirit. Awakened and perfect. Her death would be nothing more than a transition. Whether by luck or genius, his plan worked, and Naomi's personality was dominant in the new entity. While still a blood shade, with all the new urges that implies, Naomi still viewed herself as herself. Changed, but living still.

Needless to say, things didn't go well in the aftermath, and John didn't win any father of the year awards. Check Flashbangs and Fireballs for details. Runners killed Naomi's father, and liberated her from her dad's bindings. Not wanting to leave the scary blood shade to her own devices, the runners managed to get her in contact with Sybaris, a dragon affiliated with the Draco Foundation who often has to "deal with" cults and other similar organizations. After talking and negotiating together, a deal was struck. Naomi would serve Sybaris, killing groups past the line, ending threats when she's commanded. Additionally, Naomi would be undergo strict regulations, mandatory remote therapy, and other stipulations. In return, she'd get a chance to live, unbound, and see if she can make something of herself beyond the expectation for a spirit of blood.

Sybaris does let her have some discretion in regards to aiding runners, though she does report back on her activities. Less for gathering information on runners, and more for mentoring and observing Naomi. Often, she's busy with assigned tasks, but she can zip around the world fairly fast if needed. Messages can be left to a phone system, which she may or may not be checking at the time. It's also possible for trusted runners to get a link to contact her.

Notes for GMs

  • Naomi generally does still identify and believe herself to be the same person that she was, but sometimes her confidence in this varies. Her past as Naomi is the most clear and resonant set of memories she has, but often she finds herself with acting out strange habits without thought, facing intrusive flashes of memory, and other similar things. If something approaches which challenges her current identity, she could act erratically, with anxiety or hostility possible.
  • This is further complicated by the method of her "rebirth". Her father conducted a rather innovative ritual, but it was blood magic all the same. While not a blood spirit herself, the magic has left deep marks on her, tied into the essence of her creation. This has effected her psyche to a degree. Thoughts of violence and murder call to her, and her new job is as much to work out these urges as to provide a service to the foundation. She and Sybaris both hope that with time, cleansing rituals, and therapy, things might change for the better.
  • She's still kind of a teenage girl. She grew up in an exacting corp school, with demanding parents, so she's professional and dedicated. She is a bit more naive though in regards to 'regular person' stuff, and off the clock she's eager to experience more in life beyond labor.
  • Her experience being fettered left a mark on her. She's very scared and paranoid about being bound again, and hates mages who abuse spirits in that way. They're her favorite kinds of targets. She's also a bit strong on the idea of spirit personhood for obvious reasons. She's also terrified about getting permanently banished.

Notes regarding Sybaris

  • Sybaris's primary draw for making this arrangement was the option of using a rather powerful blood spirit to eliminate threats. Most aren't willing to be restrained like this, or aren't rational enough. If Naomi's behavior persists, that could be immensely valuable in the long term. Additionally, the continued contact will make formula creation and permanent banishment much easier if it becomes necessary.
  • Sybaris's primary reason for making the deal was the usage and loyalty of a powerful spirit to eliminate threats. While Naomi is somewhat unstable and riskier to use than the average spirit, due to her lingering corruption, the fact that she's wanting to heal, in whatever way that means, plus the potent ability of the young spirit means the effort is worth it. Probably. Keeping Naomi in continued contact and supervision is likely to improve outcomes anyway, so it's of mutual benefit.
  • Sybaris hopes that with mentorship, magical therapy and spiritual cleansing, and "acceptable targets" to work out any latent murderous desires, that Naomi might be able to get to a decent place. While she was reborn in an act of blood magic, and the scars still affect her, spirits can and do change like anyone else. Sometimes it just takes a bit of effort. Sybaris wants to try.
  • Naomi is respectful-scared of Sybaris. Sybaris is polite towards her, and tries to be supportive to Naomi, but the recency of her position coupled with the power the dragon has over her has made Naomi a bit nervous to put it mildly. Sybaris, from her perspective, is rather detached about the whole thing, at the moment, though does honestly want good things for Naomi.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
The Taint of Creation While not a blood spirit herself, the taint of blood magic follows her from her creation. Her aura and magical signatures show signs of blood magic. This also has impacts on her mental state and behaviors, causing her to strictly control her actions. To avoid giving into her worst impulses, and backsliding, she tries to avoid any and all violence in her jobs for players, no matter how much she might prefer otherwise. The sole exception, is if the targets could be categorized into her "normal" set of job targets. This includes things such as cultists of destructive powers, blood mages, and so on. GM discretion for qualification.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Ares Corpkid Naomi grew up in Ares, molded from birth to be a good corporate minion. +2 to tests involving Ares, its subsidaries, or its products.
Foundation Connections Naomi is a secret kept away from members of the Draco Foundation, barring Sybaris, but she does stay in relatively close connection with her mentor. Plus she can get resources siphoned when needed. Sometimes. +2 to Tests involving the Draco Foundation.
Magical Lore While growing up she never awakened, it was always expected that it'd happen eventually. She was drilled in magical theory and knowledge. Now, she even gets to apply it! +2 to tests involving magic or magical knowledge.
A Fragmented History Many would say she's not actually Naomi. Sometimes she's not sure herself. When her mind wanders, she starts to remember, but what, she's not entirely sure. Memories like shards, the picture incomplete. +2 to tests involving the metaplanes.
Cult Hunter In her new job, she acts as secret enforcer for the Draco Foundation's dirty work, clearing out some of the most dangerous of their enemies. +2 to tests involving magical groups, political conspiracies, cultists, and other similar factions.
Spooky Knowledge While all the stories talk about how you really shouldn't look at what cults are obsessing over, you do kind of pick up things over time. Naomi knows a few things now. +2 to tests involving secret lore, forgotten histories, or forbidden magic. Note: Sybaris teaches her to be pretty careful about sharing this stuff. She won't share the 'big' stuff without the other person already being looped in to some degree.
Globetrotter Naomi travels around a lot, both her work and her incredible ease of transit justifying it. She going to see every country on Earth someday. +2 to tests involving geography, local cultures, or nations.
Free Time! Even with the heavy responsibilities she holds and the investment they take, she still has something new. Any amount of time to herself! No longer does she have parents to micromanage every hour of her day. Also she doesn't have to sleep! Naomi has been working hard to discover what she's missed. +2 to tests involving media, games, pets, and hobbyist activities.


Knowledge Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects
Gear Acquisition Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects
Networking Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects


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