
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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LocationSeattle, Puyallup
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Laesa Syndicate
Bunny Hop
Casualties and losses


An ork from the Ork Underground is targeted by Laesa, and runners are called in to find out why and what happened. They muck up the Laesa plans, and figure some things out for Greg, looking for answers.


Greg works with, not for, the Skraacha in the Ork Underground. When he heard of someone from his community being potentially targeted, he was keen on investigating. However, when he though the Laesa might be involved, he decided to higher some runners to investigate to keep themselves under wraps.

The Meet

The team meet with Greg at a roadside diner, talking about who and what happened. Finding out an Ork was targeted, he had decided to get some runners in to help out with being sneaky. The team got info that the ork had lost a bag with his important items, including Foci and a picture of his family. The team decided not to negotiate for money and set out to figure what happened.

The Plan

The team decided it they'd find a place to work from, a nearby library, and then do scouting and planning their actions. Bhop decided to do matrix work, while Panda and Sojourner would scout the bar. Cinder stayed with Bhop and would run to either one, depending on any active problems.

The Run

At the bar, the team found out that the Laesa were running the gig and were using laes to rob customers. With a bit of legwork inside, they found proof of this. So, Bhop entered into the host to find details of what happened to Greg's client. After digging and dodging the spider on the net, Bhop was able to find video evidence of what happened.

The client was indeed Laes'd and had been robbed, with their gear being handed off to someone in the bar who took it elsewhere to be processed. A quick phone call from Sojourner to Quanxi revealed much about this persons history. They work for a high end corpo who collects magical gear, reselling it to other corpo and elite of Seattle. She also knew that the Laesa had an operation nearby that would surely hold these items until they were picked up to be sent to the corpo.

Heading over to that location and with scouting the team was able to find the place ridden with Laesa, including some more heavily armed guards. Inside was also the items they sought after, being picked up by a corpo.

Deciding to act fast, the team prepaired a frontal assault as a ploy to get the guards to not worry about the back, allowing Panda to head inside and nab the bag. That is exactly what they did, with Panda opening their first shot which nailed the corpo runner. They went down crying and begging for help, meanwhile Sojourner and Cinders started their assault after Bhop had shut down lights in the grid, keeping the guards confused and blinded.

The team made quick work of the fight, pushing the guards to their limit and further, killing off most of the guards. The team bugged out and were able to return the gear to Greg.


Greg was glad to see the runners unharmed and the gear returned. And as such, he thanked and payed them for their services. Returning the gear to the Ork it belonged to, they were excited and happy to have the thing from their bag they cherished the most; a picture of their wife and kids.

However not all was well, as the runners left some threads untied, causing folks inside both Telestrian and the Laesa to have bad rep for them. Will it come back to haunt them in the future?


12 K Nuyen - 6 RVP
6 Karma - 6 RVP
6 CDP - 2 RVP
-5 Laessa rep for Sojourner, Panda, and Cinders
-10 Telestrian Rep for Panda
+5 Skraacha Rep
+2 People of Orc Underground Rep
For Sojouner only:
8 GMP. This replaces every reward with RVP.
Optional rewards
Greg C3 L 1 - 3RVP
Shoot first don't ask - 2 RVP for Panda
Perfect Time - 5 RVP for Bhop

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Bunny Hop

Still have no idea what those guys were up to - looked like the usual snatch-and-fence to me - but the magic-types seem pissed. So, what, it's probably typical gang drek, ne? ... I might've gotten squeamish looking behind that door too, if that's the case. Still, can't ask for a more textbook job than this though. Saa~, I give him a hard time, but I guess WRN3 really is pulling through as a fixer these days. Maybe nee-chan should bring him something the next time I see him.


Everything seemed to go as best it could. Few deaths, but tonight that is not something to celebrate. The team was skilled, and it was extremely interesting to work alongside Sojourner. I wonder if they are a free spirit? Hmm. What they said about that bar, though…. We recovered the target assets, but that operation must be destroyed if I am to consider this business settled. No drinks tonight. I will raise a toast when I am finished.

Sojourner: "It was a pretty simple job. Go somewhere, find a thing. That it got stolen is, y'know, pretty normal... unfortunately. What we found was less a gang, and more of a chop shop for mortals, from what I could tell. Honestly surprised the guy even survived - the place reeked of confusion, abject terror, and death. Hard not to imagine what fates people were put through there. The unawakened... don't really understand what it's like to walk into a place like that. Cinders, though - if she calls me asking for help burning that place to the ground, I wouldn't put a price on it."


I was nervous in the bar, like fish with no water. Could have been drugged there, and playing it off smooth not my thing. Lucky bartender did not press me harder.

Tough woman at the warehouse, too. I got the bullseye pretty sure, but she made a weak grab at me when I ran out. Hard to look at someone like that... Think they lived. Might bite my ass later, but only my problem at least.

Group was good, too. Could work with all of them again.