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Romani Banshee
Not a Nice Person
MetatypeElf (Nocturna)
Street Cred2
Public Awareness1
D.O.B.June 24, 2012
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - E

Character Information


An itinerant banshee from Tír na nÓg, recently awoken from a two-decade torpor and seeking a place in the new world he finds himself in.


  • Continue to survive at all costs. Everything else is secondary.
  • Acquire a mobile home and a stable supply of blood for living purposes.
  • Face the Dweller at the Threshold and initiate into the higher mysteries.


Born in Belfast in 2012. One of the first nocturna, he was abandoned and disowned by his family as a freak and remanded to the custody of the Xavier Foundation; while growing up in an orphanage lead to constant ostracism and a lifelong antipathy towards people in general, he was lucky enough to survive the aftermath of the Black Tide and VITAS, as well as the chaos following the Awakening and the Irish Reformation, when most of those around him did not. In 2032 following the closure of the Foundation he was living on the streets of Dublin when he was was stalked and attacked by a banshee - the creature drank of his blood and took something even more vital from him, and the bite it inflicted got infected... when he awoke - physically and magically speaking - he had changed into something else.

After enduring a painful metamorphosis into a banshee himself, he left the nascent elfnostate his homeland was becoming and spent several decades aimlessly wandering Europe among the Irish Travelers and Romani people, feeding off the carnage and death left in the wake of the Euro Wars and seeking out a cure for his condition. As metahumanity began to learn more about HMHVV it became clear that a cure was not forthcoming, so he had no choice but to slowly accept himself as the monster he had become, eventually beginning to see himself as a cut above mundane metahumanity and even other Awakened and Infected.

Eventually in the early 2060s he finally bit off more than he could chew when he attempted to settle the score with his sire and ended up falling into torpor for over 20 years, waking nearly two decades after Crash 2.0 to an entirely new world. The virus had mutated while he slept, and his hunger had grown into something primal and savage. The political landscape of the continent had changed as well, and all of his old contacts were either dead or out of reach, so he decided a change of scenery was in order. Moving to North America, he stayed for a while in Tír Tairngire but found it was not to his liking, so he spent the last of his savings getting himself smuggled north to the Seattle Metroplex with little more than the clothes on his back.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Infected (Banshee)
    • It only takes one drop of HMHVV-infected blood to change one's life forever...
  • Mentor Spirit (Raven)
    • An incarnation of his darker self, urging him to exploit the misfortune of others and take advantage of opportunities which present themselves.
      • Appears as a white bird on his shoulder, whispering into his ear.
  • Dedicated Spellslinger
    • A practiced sorcerer who focuses on spellcraft to the exclusion of conjuration and enchanting.
      • Due to the precepts of his tradition, he does not cast health spells.
  • Catlike + Double Jointed
    • Rather adept at getting into places, whether he's invited or not.


  • Albinism + Unusual Hair (Colored Fur)
    • A rather distinctive combination of features that renders one inconveniently distinctive and memorable (plus it's a pain to keep clean).
  • Antipathy + Superhuman Psychosis
    • A lifelong resentment of "normal" people only festered into hatred and loathing after becoming something apart from the common rabble of metahumanity.
  • Computer Illiterate + Gremlins
    • Sleeping through Crash 2.0 and the rise of Augmented Reality tends to leave one feeling a more than a bit behind the times with regards to technology.
  • Signature
    • Tends to leave the image of a white bird (origami, graffiti, sketch art, etc.) at the scene of heists and murders he commits.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Linklocked HeartTyneman18 August 2085
HopquestLHOG7 August 2085
Derailed DeliveryJ.R.1 August 2085
30 Seconds To MARSDiscogoblin15 July 2085
Zeroing OpticsAsmodeus29 June 2085
/clean up that Rat's nest!J.R.24 June 2085
HeartacheOrionRequiem22 June 2085
27 Story PyreLHog22 May 2085
An Overnight Nocturnal TripLHOG14 May 2085
Piscine Plunder for Gator!Elayne12 May 2085
New RingtoneSyphilen9 May 2085
Captain Cook's Magic BookLHOG25 April 2085
Front Point & CenterAsmodeus24 April 2085
Redmond Animal RescueDexcaliberHound-Eat-Hound World20 April 2085
Big Safe TheftAnumati17 April 2085
Gone in a few MinutesAnumati1 April 2085
Lost Media, Found Footagejit17 March 2085
Luck O' the IrishOrionsRequium17 March 2085
Two Greys Make a Greyezene13 March 2085
The Bill Comes DueArchtmag12 March 2085
Gnashing and Hissing SoundsOrion4 March 2085
751 Black LungsLHOG3 March 2085
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your BearSleeveyCompound Interest23 February 2085
Graduation DayAsmodeus13 February 2085
Dining and DashingArchtmag11 February 2085
Finnigan's WakeLHOG25 January 2085
Working for the Man's WidowLHOG22 January 2085
B Positive, Young Vampirejit17 January 2085
Shakedown BreakdownjitCompound Interest16 January 2085
Ash ReplevinSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre27 December 2084
Meatgrinder, Part 1 - Tide of DarknessAsmodeusMeatgrinder21 December 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Agamemnon 4 3 Fixer(K,G,N,A) Infected Crime Lord Paranoid, Shut-In, Dark Magic Talislegger, Ear to the Ground, Infected Loremaster, Smuggling Network, Student of History, Wretched Hive Even
The Green-Eyed Witch 6 1 Legwork Art Re-appropriator Immortal Self Interest, Curious Clairvoyant, Circumspect Sorcerer, Emerald Mage, Forgotten Poet, Dreamwalker, Meddler, The Eternal Muse, Former Fae, Art Nerd, Metaplanar Relieve, Chain Breaker, Ritualist Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 The King of the Faeries in Shakespere's A Midsummer Night's Dream, as well as the second moon of Uranus.
3 An old photo of an unidentified albino nocturna taking somewhere in eastern Germany during the Euro Wars.
6 A guest account on The Helix with a sporadic posting history going dark sometime before the Crash.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 An albino nocturna infiltrator with a notable Irish accent. Prefers to operate at night, for obvious reasons.
3 A spellslinger of some talent, with a focus on illusion and manipulation magic. Supposedly a mystic adept.
5 Apparently older than he looks (elves, am I right?), with a shadow reputation going back to the 2050s.

Assensing Results

Hits Information Gained
1 Chronically ill, emotionally detached. Awakened.
2 No standard-grade cyberware. Magical Class: Mystic Adept. Has a dark red aura with a pulsing heart-beat like quality.
3 No alphaware-grade cyberware. Infected with HMHVV.
4 No betaware-grade cyberware or bioware. Essence 6. Magic 6.
5+ No deltaware-grade cyberware or bioware. No nano-tech. Not a technomancer. Infected with HMHVV Strain I.


SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
Seamus Murphy UCAS R4 Adept, Bounty Hunter, Driver's, Hunting, Mage



Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments