Jump, Little Blackbird

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Jump, Little Blackbird
LocationSeattle, Puyallup
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
The Unseelie Court
Seattle Software and Special Investigation
Thomas Warloff


Someone is asking for a copy of a keycard. They can't be contacted via commlink. They ask runners to get something for them and bring it back, a bargain, a deal. And so, the runners agree and get the job done. Successfully, they're able to return to the Johnson and hand over an electronic keycard to access something. Something, something... what is the something? Well, they don't ask questions and they get paid.


S3I is having some growing pains like any upscaling enterprise, and there are malefactors who would seek to harm them. Perhaps it's Pixy Squad, perhaps its the Compulsory Execution unit? Or even N-51? Well, perhaps it's something else. Either way, today, we see those who would harm S3I in full form; hiring runners to nab a keycard from someone within S3I for nefarious deeds.

The Meet

The runners both met up with the J who seemed to look and smell off. Something about their eyes was just... not right. And in the moments of their conversation, the J offered a gig but for no money. They runners almost walked before the J offered them UCAS dollars after the run. They reluctantly agreed, and asked for details. The J wanted a keycard off of a one "Thomas Warloff" and spoke nothing more. With little to go on, the runners agreed to the bargain and left.

The Plan

The team decided to do legwork in the form of Throwback doing matrix searches, and Hotdog doing social influencing. An initial search revealed much about Thomas, including where he likes to frequent; again, the runners are forwarded to the Helldiver. And so, the team heads over to figure things out.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)