Liam Borrinea

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Liam Borrinea
Liam B.png
Private Security Contractor
"I honestly don't know hat to tell you. The
CEU is being funded by unknown sources.
We can do the best we can with these resources."
Contact OwnerFangblade_
Owner's Discord NameFangblade_
Public Contact?Yes
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Personal LifeToo busy
FactionSeattle Software and Special Investigations
AspectsBlack Markets
Private Security
Combat Tactics
Shadow Community
Seattle first
UCAS Veteran
3-Letter Agencies


"If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then the law only exists for the lower class."

Liam Borrinea's journey began in the corridors of power within the UCAS military, where he honed his skills as a defense contractor. His departure from the military was not just a career shift but a bold move driven by ideological differences. As he severed ties with the military establishment, he brought along a select group of individuals who shared his vision and had grown disillusioned with their former employer, Ares.

The ties with the UCAS military still lingered in the background, providing Liam with a network that proved useful in navigating the complex web of government and corporate interests. His contacts within the military, though sparingly used, ensured a steady flow of information and resources when needed. Liam's team comprised individuals who had once worked under him in military projects but chose to follow him when he decided to strike out on his own. Loyalty, trust, and a shared disdain for their former bosses at the UCAS military bound this group together.

Liam's post-military career saw him delving into the underworld and black markets, engaging in grey running to fund his operations. His pragmatic approach led him to collaborate with a diverse range of individuals, from corporate figures to shadowrunners. For Liam, the bottom line was the Nuyen – as long as it flowed, so did the resources for his endeavors.

The rumors surrounding Liam's time at the CIA only added to the air of mystery surrounding him. Whispers in the shadows hinted at covert operations and clandestine alliances that further enriched his background.

S3I, short for Seattle Software and Special Investigations, emerged as the manifestation of Liam's vision. The partnership with El-Ahrairah, the orchestrator behind the scenes, brought a balance of skills to the table. Liam became the public face, the uncharismatic yet effective frontman, while El-Ahrairah maneuvered in the shadows, leveraging connections and networks to propel S3I to unparalleled efficiency.

The addition of WRN3, a budding technomancer, brought a mystical element to the team. The mentor-protege relationship between Liam and WRN3 added a familial touch, emphasizing a bond that extended beyond professional ties. Despite being under-equipped, the S3I team showcased extraordinary efficiency and effectiveness in their operations.

S3I's distinct approach set them apart in the world of private security. Instead of relying solely on firepower, the organization focused on tactics and resource optimization. A smaller team of skilled individuals strategically deployed became a force that could outmaneuver larger adversaries.

The organization's clientele reflected its principles. S3I deliberately aligned itself with the underprivileged and underserved, championing the cause of the 'little guy.' Their commitment to justice surpassed the allure of wealth, making them a beacon of hope for those overlooked by larger corporations. In a city where shadows concealed as much as they revealed, S3I stood as a force for good, navigating the labyrinth of intrigue, danger, and corporate power with a commitment to justice that transcended the pursuit of profit. Liam Borrinea, El-Ahrairah, and WRN3 orchestrated this covert dance against the forces that dwelled in the shadows, ensuring that the underdogs had a fighting chance in the relentless world they inhabited.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
S3I CEO Liam is always, always busy. Weather its inspections of the facility or government meetings or staff meetings, Liam never has a moment to rest. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.
Seattle first He always wants to help the people of the city he lives in. As such, he has strong connections and roots in the pacific northwest. Weather you were born here, moved here, died here, or were reborn here. He's your ally.
Black Markets There's a lot of things you need to take into account of when you're leading an underdog company. Those guns and armor have to come from *somewhere*.
Private Security Since they're a private security firm, what they offer first and foremost is private security. For anyone, rich or poor, S3I is here for you. For those who are in need of help, they're there for you. Liam can get you in touch with any services they offer, should you require,
Combat Tactics His firm puts combat tactics over gear any day of the week. While they may be low in forces, and not be as well equipped compared to the AA or even A rated companies, S3I stands firm in the face of danger with their overwhelming tactics and skill.
UCAS Veteran Liam, like many others who work with him now, used to work for the UCAS military. His position was that of a officer, but he started lower in the ranks, like all others do.
Shadow Community S3I cut its teeth on cases like working with Dr. Nina Farraday and as such, he's well in tune with the dealings of the shadow community.
3-Letter Agencies Liam spent a non small amount of time working for the CIA, and those skills and connections? He's taken them with him.


Knowledge Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
My World DownFangblade_9 December 2084
So Goes Darkness Part 1Fangblade_And Love You Shall Find7 October 2084
The Run Where They Carve PumpkinsFangblade_And Love You Shall Find3 October 2084

Published Articles

NameDateMetaplotNews Source
S3I Acquisition of Zeta Key12 April 2085Seattle Software and Special Investigations
S3I Emergency Briefing - 03/06/246 March 2085Amhráin na PréacháinSeattle Software and Special Investigations