EXtreme Expedition!

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EXtreme Expedition!
LocationDowntown Docks, Seattle
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Yoshinaga Chikara
Finnigan Family



The Meet

Yoshinaga discusses that the Finnigans have been selling tainted drugs under the Yoshinaga-gumi name. They captured a leader at a supply point and have finally managed to crack them. Their interrogation has determined that the Finnigans have been using a warehouse in the downtown docks as their primary depot for their tainted drug plan. They've been advancing this plot in the territory of various yakuza. Yoshinaga would like the team to covertly strike back and destroy the stockpile in order to prevent the Finnigans from continuing their actions.

The Plan

Potentially plan a sting operation to get the Finnigans into trouble with the UCAS military. Forge evidence of Finnigans making deals with the UCAS military using Ryuuji's disguise and getting them to raid the warehouses. The team looks into finding a person to provide weapons for the stings. Kon Kon connects the team to Beatrice Veronica who is willing to make a deal in exchange for 4 chips from the team. Arma Remington and Slava Nikerosa get discussed as people to potentially ask the favor from and their potential costs. Ryuuji makes a deal with Officer Raven to pay back his chip by implicating Ceres Astra, a person that she would like to get court martial-ed for dealing arms to the Finnigans. She hands over some basic information about the target's lifestyle to give the team somewhere to start their investigations. Funk and Goodluck put their heads together as they start working on a more in-depth matrix search. They're able to turn up that Ceres has a taste for fine wines that are beyond her means. The team starts the proccess of acquiring some Laes from Saint Nick in order to prevent Ceres from having an alibi for her location during the weapons deal. Ryuuji contacts Armstrong in order to get some intel about potential marks in the Finnigans.

The team spends a day performing some matrix searches to dig up more information about their mark in the Finnigans. From there, the team spends another day snooping on their target in order to get a picture of their habits and potential vulnerabilities. Finally, the team puts their heads together to figure out how to make a detailed psychological profile to help them ensure that their target will be unable to resist. From there, the team begins their final preparations. The team programs a synthskin mask to look like Ceres' face and brings in Bat'Wejoto to apply the final touches. They review their plan and determine that Funk will clean up the cameras in the area. Thunder will ensure that Ceres takes the false invitation. Ryuuji will chat up Ceres until the team is ready to administer the Laes. After her meet with the Finnigans, GOODLUCK will head to the venue in order to connect their trail to Ceres'.

The Run

GOODLUCK starts the con by departing the venue where they plan to bring Ceres and making their way to the meet that they've set up with the Finnigans. Once they arrive, Goodluck is able to successfully maintain their performance of Ceres despite their target having a surprisingly insightful gaze. They manage to safely disengage from their mark with a payment for Veronika. Meanwhile, Funk hacks into the Finnigan's warehouse's host in order to acquire footage of the deal in order to provide it to the military. On their way to the file, Funk's sprites are detected. They get into a brief fight with the host's IC and spider before Funk is able to successfully exfiltrate with a copy of the file. Thunder is watching Ceres take the forged invitation when she seems to become suspicious of the invitation. Thunder quickly applies some Influence to her mind, which helps her accept the invitation without much more question. She adds it to her calendar and continues with her day. Later on, at the bar, Ryuuji meets up with Ceres and engages her in small talk while they lead up to dosing her with the Laes. Ryuuji is able to successfully convince her to take the Laes. Ryuuji sends her safely back to her home using her car. Meanwhile, Funk hacks into the bar's cameras and erases Ceres' alibi.


Officer Raven is able to use the evidence generated by the team to frame Ceres Astra for an illegal arms deal with the Finnigans. She's able to arrange for an action to retrieve the weapons as well as drive the Finnigans out of the warehouse. During the raid, the drugs are taken into custody by the UCAS army in addition to their discovery and termination of a facility for reclaiming debtor's bioware and cyberware.


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)