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Chair Techno
Bunny Girl
MetatypeDryad (SURGE)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
CDPExpression error: Missing operand for -.
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - C

Character Information




Xayah de Solei, a woman with an exceptional intellect from when she was very young. Born under the light of a comet, blessed with intelligence and charisma, she forged out into the world at a young age. Excelling at most things she tried, she picked up a corporate sponsor. Horizon lifted her from her life in the Barons. Opting to give her exceptional skills as a decker to set out on finding information, and eventually as a member of a secret project within the confines of Horizon's walls. One to which she still starkly speaks of.

Time passed, she flew through the ranks as she accumulated more and more knowledge before she was placed on a small sub project of an asset the company had come by. Koi, or rather, a woman named Jessie. She lacked a real last name, but was given the task of forging her a new identity as she makes her way into Seattle to work. So, piece by piece, she laid the foundations and paved the road ahead of her for success. Until she didn't... seeing the horrors of the runner's life, and experiencing second hand the dissonant code that she had contracted. She wasn't the same afterwords. Months passed, and the foundations shook as Koi rocked her world. Her plans failing to take her to victory, inches from discovery. Xayah pushed her off the path she had set for her, and Koi's life came crashing down outside the loose grip that Horizon kept on her. Koi died, and with her she took a bit of Xayah with her. She had built her life from scratch, and the abrupt and visceral nature of her death... The fact Xayah had been accessing her memories during her death, trying to tell her not to do it. Xayah's memories had been ripped from her in an instant. Koi's death stripping her of her sanity as the death took a fragment of Xayah's soul with her.

Xayah was unceremoniously fired. Horizon not knowing the asset they let slip through their fingers, the strange code awakening a line of thinking in her head which she cultivated. The world reshaped, she *felt* the technology around her instead of through her deck... which Horizon had reclaimed from her. She forged out, desperately clinging to the life she once had while trying her hardest to prove to herself that she wasn't the monster she thought she was, and trying to find where her memories had gone.

Narrative Significant Qualities


- College Education

- Glamour

- History Is Not As Certain As We Taught

- Exceptional Attribute


- Albinism II

- Astral Hazing

- Bioluminescence

- Driven

- Impaired (Reaction, Strength)

- Striking Skin Pigmentation

- Symbiosis

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Silver KnivesEvaMedium29 October 2085


Max IG Level



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Dr. Henry Wallace 6 1 Custom(G,A,K,N) Cybertechnologist Cybertechnologist, Designer Deltaware, Cyber Snob, Embrace the Chrome, Biotechnologist, Black Market Pipeline, Cyber-Singularity Seeker Even
Angélica Cabral 4 3 Fixer For The Cause: OHK, Unbending Morals, Trying Times, A SURGE of Empathy, Breaking Cycles of Violence, Viewed from the Ground, Wide Awake, Striking Cycles of Violence, Still a Hospitaller, Blocking Cycles of Violence, Hang on - I've Heard of Them, Oh - I've heard of Them! Even
Charlotte Valdez 3 4 Legwork Corporate Lawyer Overworked, Charlotte Valdez, Esquire, Environmentalist, Miss Johnson, Powering Seattle Naturally, Started From The Bottom Even
Bob Sanders 2 1 Gear Club Owner, Drug Dealer I do like a party, Want to star in my video?, Sleazy for sure Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Horizon (limited) SINNER, worked for Horizon as a data analyst before she was fired.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 A dull black and grey vortex, accumulating despair around her despite her placid emotional state. (Mundane)
2 N/A
3 N/A
4 5 Essence, Cerebral Enhancers (2), Narco,
5 Technomancer, Gene treatment (Logic)


Xayah de Solei (Real):

- Restricted Augmentations License

- Cyberdeck License

- Private Investigator License

Natasha Ramerez (R3):

- Private Investigator License

- Restricted Augmentations License


Height: 5'6"

Hair Color: White

Skin Color: White with dark brown spots

Eye Color: Extremely bright blue

Identifying Features: Ablinism, SURGE (Bunny),

Description: Xayah is a tall, waifish woman, With large white ears and skin all spotted with dark brown spots, she looks to resemble the bunny girls one might find online.


Draped, loose clothing, nothing quite touching her skin too much.

Matrix Persona

A silhouette behind a bunny mask, ever shifting with the fix currently installed. Marionette strings affixed to the ends of her finger tips.

Media Mentions

Xayah has been fired as Horizon's assistant-head of experimental trid creation division in Seattle after a "unsuccessful" sabotage of the project.

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

Unknown - "A bunny girl? Really? Like... another one?"