If you'll excuse me there's somewhere I have to be where the whole fucking city can see me

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If you'll excuse me there's somewhere I have to be where the whole fucking city can see me
LocationSeattle Space Needle
Result Punk Concert on Top of the Needle
Factions Involved
"Dandy" Dale Hardin
Knight Errant



The ShadowHaven team ushered a three-trog punk band onto the top of the Seattle Space Needle for an after-hours, and unsanctioned, punk concert and escaped by base-jumping off the top.


Krime wants a HUUUUGGE publicity event to help with promotion and found a German trog-punk band that likes to do crazy things to perform on top of the Space Needle.

The Meet

The ShadowHaven team met the troll Johnson at the Big Rhino in the late morning hours, complete with pink mohawk and beat-up 80's synthleather jacket. The Johnson was a little busy because he was meeting a number of other teams to discuss other runs at the same time.

Final offer is 26,000 nuyen, with a potential bonus of 5,000 nuyen if the band plays a full set.

The Legwork

The Plan

The basic plan is to wait until after the Space Needle closes at 8pm, break in through a side door and then obtain a guard's access card to shut down the sensors. The team will then ascend the Needle until they reach the roof, weld the doors shut behind them and then party on the roof. Once the heat gets too hot, the team will pack up and base jump off the roof.

Rabbit will roam in front to clear out security and seek out an access card. Dandy will lead the main group (with the band) and back Rabbit up. Knox will cover the rear of the group.

The Run



The Setlist




  • 3 Karma
  • 28,000 Nuyen
  • +3 Reputation with Krime

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

  • Dandy -
  • Knox -
  • Rabbit -