Where In The World Is My Painting?

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Where In The World Is My Painting?
Part of Metaplot
DateYYYY-MM-DD"YYYY-MM-DD" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
GMGeneric GM
LocationSpecial Location, (General area of run. Tacoma, Redmond, ect.)
Factions Involved
Template:Player Character
Haven PC
Major Corp
Target Corp



The Meet

The Plan

The plan was to do some legwork, then come back later and do the dirty work. The plan rapidly changed once there, however.

The team decided to head to the Museum to do some legwork. Ms. Johnson had warned that there were other teams looking in to stealing the painting, so when it became apparent there was another team on site, Tupelo decided to head in and tell the Lone Star guards there were people outside planning a robbery. Because of his legendary reputation with Lone Star, he convinced them to look into the other runners, causing the team to panic. Deimos slowed them down with a comical tripping hazard which rattled them enough so that as they were pulling out on to the street, they collided with the Lone Star patrol car that was en-route to investigate them. The opposition would be busy for only a little while, so the team decided to just go for it. Tupelo would distract the guards while the others went in the back, simple as that.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)