Eagle Hunter

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Eagle Hunter
LocationBellevue & Puyallup
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Carolina Petrovski
Killian Amungus
Vibroaxe man
The Cleaners
Casualties and losses
The dignity of not working for Humanis.


Carolina Petrovski found out about the movement of humanis policlub criminals to a re-educational facility in Everett. She became a Johnson and hired runners to eliminate this problem and offered two ways of finishing the run: escort the twelve prisoners out of said prison, or cause the resignation of the overseer . The Runners successfully investigated the overseer and found incriminating evidence on Killian H. Amungus, and intimidated him into resigning and completing the mission with a happy ending for Carolina Petrovski's plan.


Killian H. Amungus wanted to import crims from Europe and use them as a disposable Death Squad whose primary occupation is shooting at orc orphanages and murdering elves and dwarves in low security zones for Humanis(tm). Carolina has vision: Why not use these to gat enemies of humanity and make Humanis look good at the same time?

The Meet

Runners got escorted into a Horizon extraterritorial facility and into the meet room with Carolina. Shine was ordered by her fixer, Warboss to do whatever she can to frag up her plans, but gave her options on how to do so with the reward of getting chips off her debt. The meet goes well, Runners do a good bit of legwork during the meet. The Johnson expresses the two ways of getting paid for this run:

  • Extract the twelve inmates that are currently in the reeducation facility in Everett
  • Convince Killian H. Amungus to resign from his position as overseer of the re-education facility, leaving Carolina to take over as she is the primary successor.

Runners inquire as to the whereabouts as well as any rumors of the Overseer. Runners find out that he was recently isolated from the public eye, as well as a unconfirmed report of him being spotted at a Benraku Parlor. It was subsequently shut down. There was a banshee spotted in the local area.

The Plan

Lets investigate that Benraku Parlor, and also talk to the banshee. this totally won't be a bad idea.

The Run

Paragon goes to a Krime Mall and gets a 50% discount off for three psyche with a lemon-pineapple flavor. She also buys three non-discounted psyche. She picks up a bunch of wood pulp ammo for her new Ares Alpha. Shine, Pulse, & Warlock go into Warlocks Armadillo and drive to the abandoned area.


Runner team was contacted by their fixers, Warboss told Shine to drag Johnson's entire plan up. Runners get brought to a Horizon extraterritorial facility into an amphitheater. Johnson goals: get a bunch of prisoners being imported from Europe to work for her for the good of all people ( in-service of humanis). This can be done by a jailbreak, or having the overseer resign so that Johnson can take over. Killian Mungus is our target. Overlake Medical is treating them for some communicable disease. Johnson can cover for R6 fake sins. --- Rescue 12 Inmates 28,000 Nuyen --- Convince Killian to concede 64,000 Nuyen worth of gear up to 18 Avail Note to us: Killian Monger was seen at a Bunraku parlour in Puyullup (rumour). It was subsequently shut down. Local banshee nearby. We decide to drive over to the bunraku parlor and contact the banshee. Beraku parlor was investigated. Airborn pathogens were detected, entered through the back by a picklock. Found a corpse of a receptionist, and an unrecognizable corpse on the second floor. Signs of a vibroaxe were used, commlink was found. Samples of all forensic info were picked up by Cog. Data was analyzed: dude contracted a elven strain of HIV from a beraku parlor. Commlink hacked: 2 accounts were found to pay to the beraku parlor, 2 come from bank accounts from a spinglobal subsidiary Paragon caught the elf HIV. Paragon was wheeled into the hospital , changed into scrubs with the rest of the team, brought into the disease ward and hooked up into the treatment machine. Paragon gots treated and makes a full recovery after two hours of treatment thanks to the prompt treatment of Pulse and Shine. The rest of the team moves to the server room to find records of Killian. Pulse is stopped by the guard and told not to sleep in the server room. Shine vouches for him, saying that he’ll kick him if he falls asleep. Guard aggressively states that it’ll be alright, but he will break the doc’s knee caps if he catches him sleeping. Pulse hacks into the hospital database, finding hospital records and financial records on Killian. With enough evidence, they send an intimidating message to the guy to resign or deal with the consequences. A couple days later, they resign. The johnson calls the runners back, and hands out whiskey with novacoke to the runners and celebrates success.


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)