Pickup and Delivery

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Pickup and Delivery
LocationSnohomish, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Unknown
Bayou Bill


The runners get tasked with capturing some Piasma cubs. They succeeded, but things were... strange.


A piasma and her cubs wandered into the edge of Snohomish from the forests outside of town. The mother, naturally aggressive anyway and also wanting to protect her cubs, went on a small rampage, breaking a shed and barreling through several buildings before disappearing, somewhere. While no one was hurt thankfully, the location of the paracritters was unknown, and parties began to converge on the area to hunt them down.

The runner's fixers were contacted by an elven man, the instructions vague, but hinting towards the capture of a paracritter. Told to meet in Bellevue at noon, food would be provided.

The Meet

The runners were called to a unassuming door in Bellevue, in an out of the way alley away from the busier centers of the district. Made of a synthetic wood substitute, the front of the building windowless, there was little indication as to what the interior was like. A quiet and calm area, Bayou Bill kicked the door down, after Glamor hesitated for a moment because of a ward.

Violently busting in, they entered the antechamber inside, noticeably nicer in wealth and design from the exterior. The man that had sent out the call for them waited inside, shocked at Bill's entrance. The alligator roaming in just freaked him out more. Initially

The Investigation

Fresh off their odd meeting, Glamor uses a spirit to track the bear, hoping to find a clue as to its location. Letting the Loa go off on it's task, it eventually returns, with news. Somehow, the Bear had wandered into the underground tunnels beneath Snohomish. While the bear was likely to wander further as they headed over, it was a good clue to know. They also tried to find out as much as they could about this bear. While none of theme were experts in paracritters, together they managed to piece together a decent picture. The bear and her cubs were all a type of paracritter known as Piasmas. In effect, they were like normal brown bears, only more aggressive, more armored, larger, and with magical powers over fear. A little bit of a problem.

The team headed over to the part of Snohomish where the bear was last sighted, at the vague boundary between the outer agricultural sections and the start of the city. The bear had smashed through a shed, then barreled straight through two buildings before running off in a rage, the cubs close by. While no one was hurt, the houses were heavily damaged, in danger of collapsing. As the team approached this site, they saw that KE had created a small perimeter, keeping the multitude of gawkers from approaching too closely.

The team, being gawkers themselves, were consigned to looking from a distance. After a bit of looking, a truck pulled up near them at their position further away from the perimeter. A human man stepped out, heading over to the team. Eyes focused on the non-human runners, his body language was clearly angry. Accusing the team members of making a spectacle of good people's tragedy, he was rather insistent that the team left. When the team tried to say they only had good intentions, his racism flared, especially towards Winter. Winter, not liking his insinuations about being a terrible person, scared the man, getting him to leave and head back to his Human Nation friends, giving them, a moment at least, of peace.

Deciding to move out to find the tunnel they used, and hopefully be gone before the man returns with his friends, the team prepares to head out. Before they leave though, several runners notice something odd. In the crowd of humans watching, a disguised ork stands among them, watching the area. Glamor tries to approach to make contact, only for the man to start walking away. A commlink message is brushed off with a token response, and the Ork leaves. Not sure what to make of this, they decide to focus on finding the tunnel.

None of them particularly knowledgable in Snohomish Underground entrances, they decide to call an expert. Kenny.

Kenny, always happy to help and show of his skills, roared over on his Wageslave. While initially confused that they wanted to actually enter the underground in Snohomish, after clarification he started leading them towards an entrance. After following for a few minutes, he stops, thinks for a moment, and turns around. Turns out he needed to go the other way. He was still highly confident that he knew where he was going. The team however... was less so. As whispering grew that maybe they should stop following as the minute ticked by, eventually Kenny lead them to a grated tunnel with a proud expression on his face, only for it to morph to confusion as the he saw the grate torn open. Satisfied that they had found the entrance, the team, plus Kenny, headed into the tunnels.

Into the Tunnels


After the ambush was defeated, the team moved the bears to the drop off location in the forest. The woman they saved wanted to ride with them to the J, seemingly unaffected by the violence she saw, a start contrast to her behavior before. Not wanting her near them, the runners told her no, so she resigned her self for a long walk, while making comments about the subpar service.

That behind them, the team returned to the J for payment. The J seemed, mixed with their results, but said they technically completed the objectives, so she'd give them full payment.


For everyone but Bayou Bill:

16k Nuyen (32k in foci or reagents) (8 RVP)

4 Karma (4 RVP)


Bayou Bill:

14k Nuyen (28k in foci or reagents) (7 RVP)

4k Nuyen of NoPaint (1 RVP) (266 Doses

4 Karma (4 RVP)


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)