Grave Robbers on the Outskirts

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Revision as of 23:07, 8 July 2021 by Makiiat0 (talk | contribs) (summary, meet, plan)
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Grave Robbers on the Outskirts
Status Threat Level: Semi-Prime
Factions Involved


The Ancients runners take out a colony of shedim on the outskirts of Tarislar.

The Meet

Luna is in the Daisy Chain, showing off pictures of her new boat and watching Voltage attempt to pawn off a keg of hurlg on the bartender with Gomorrah's assistance, when Ether approaches her and asks her to investigate a recent wave of disappearances near one of Tarislar's cemeteries. More concerning still, some of the graves there have been dug up. Luna fills Babylon and Voltage in, and requests their help in the endeavor.

The Plan

As Ether seems to think this is a pressing issue, the team immediately gets to work trying to figure out what people know.

Luna scouts the general area with her FlySpy, and manages to find a few sets of tracks leading out of the cemetery to a commune on the outskirts of Tarislar. She tells Voltage what she's seen, and asks her to find out what her contacts know. First, Voltage asks Freya if she can find any information on it. There isn't much, but it seems to be a small community that does some subsistence farming, and is run by a man named Eli Shaw. Less than satisfied with so little knowledge, Voltage goes to refill her drink and ask Jacqueline Grant if she's heard any rumors about it.

The Run



+7 Ancients Rep

Ether (Connection 2) Loyalty 2 -> Loyalty 3 (3 RVP) (or 6 CDP towards Ether's Loyalty)

11 karma (11 RVP)

20k nuyen from looting the commune (10 RVP)

4 CDP (1 RVP)

Babylon: -2 karma from being Karma Drained.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)