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Full-Spectrum Infiltrator
Sea Drake
Guilty Ganger
Discord@Suit Guy#9831
MetatypeElf (Sea Drake)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.February 19th, 2059
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information


Ex-ganger reeling from survivor's guilt and the belief he accidentally murdered almost everyone important to him, seeking answers for why. Sea Drake, avid follower of Hermes, the ancient Hellenistic god of travel, tricksters, and thieves.


  • Ascertain the fates of his former gang mates
  • Learn more about his draconic nature
  • Find his mother, and ask several questions
  • Most importantly, do not let the dragons find out what he is.


Hai Zhang is the only child of a Chinese man living in the Barrens, whose mother was around just long enough to have him and vanish into smoke. He developed keen talents in theft and a silver tongue rather early, and spent most of his teenage and early adult years in a gang called the Silver Dollars, a local conglomerate of grifters & sneaks - less good at direct confrontation, far superior to the average gang in doing sneaky stuff. Life went steady there for a while, even with dear old Dad trying to get Hai out of that business. He rose the ranks, met a sweet feathered SURGE girl named Anastasia, had a good thing going. Soon enough, he was basically third in command, handling inter-gang relations and making sure the other folks around didn't start enforcing their turf too hard. Then, some local Halloweeners got antsy that the Dollars were grifting too far into their territory, and in a last-ditch effort to avoid full-on confrontation (that they knew they would lose), the Dollars got them to agree on a neutral negotiation over territory rights. Fully armed, of course, but even with their leader temporarily incapacitated by a severe infection, they figured Hai could handle it. Unfortunately, between family pressure, relationship drama, the stress of the situation, and that weener bastard's annoying fragging voice, he just kinda… snapped. Next thing he knew, he's face down in a burning building, covered in blood & burns and surrounded by bodies. Later, after getting dragged home by a friendly local, he would learn that apparently someone had turned into a dragon and the ensuing firefight killed basically every single Silver Dollar present, and most of the Halloweeners too. His father then sat him down to explain that yes, he did in fact turn into a dragon, and he knows that's the case because his mom could do the same, and he was only never told because Yazhu was hoping the talent had skipped a generation. Evidently, it had not. So, after a bit of wallowing in agony and despair and all those lovely things, Hai elected to snatch up that fat rainy-day fund he was gonna use on Ana to start a new life across town and use his old skills to financial gain once again. This brings us to his intro to ShadowHaven, fresh off his third recommendation.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Dracoform (Sea Drake), Mentor Spirit (Monkey)


Big Regret (Downfall of the Silver Dollars), NMLB, Social Stress (People With Feathers), Wanted (The Sea Dragon, 50,000)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Ignorant to the FlameFangblade_High25 February 2085
Guerilla GangoonsAsmodeusThe ArrivalHigh3 January 2085
Ware'd The Loot Go?Fangblade_High27 December 2084
Change of VocationAsmodeusMedium29 September 2084
Call in the RemnantsZerreContre-RévolutionHigh21 February 2084
Spying is better than ScryingZerreContre-RévolutionMedium25 January 2084
Fisticuff FactionBulldogcDeadly12 January 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Cascade 4 3 Service International Smuggler and Fence It's not fun if there's no Risk!, Smuggler Specialist, Garage of Ganked Gear, Stimulant Savant, Getaway Driver, Driver picks the Music, Passenger shuts their trap Even
Gran NY 6 3 Fixer Owner of the Comfy Teacup & Fixer A Woman of Principle, Manners Maketh Man, Family Obligations, Temperance Is a Virtue, Downtown Dweller, Underworld Old Hand, Rumormonger's Network, I Know a Guy (Lots, Actually), The Proprietor, Feline Fan, Tea Ritual, Trid Trivia, Alter Ego, Infected Info, Street Clinic Network Even
Dr.Greenwill 3 2 Service Awakened Veterinarian Veterinarian, Hermetic, parazoology, Metasapient Safe House Even
Cabinet Man 2 1 Gear Business Owner Entombed, Living Fossil, Decker, Old School, Jury Rigger, Swarm Rigger, Tech Vendor Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location


I mean, his dad technically counts? But he's an old man that lives mostly off neighborly charity.


None yet! I do hope that changes soon.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Santiago Torres - R4 fake. Lifelong Seattle resident who works with a maintenance company that on further inspection, does not exist.



Horribly ruffled, usually. Mans does not keep himself tidy nowadays.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments