They Left Her Buried in the Sand

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They Left Her Buried in the Sand
LocationGenqo Arcoblok - THE SPIRE
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
The Jesters Crown Spire Solos
Red Ribbon
Jonah Mateo
Casualties and losses
None :D None None


After a run interrupted by a mysterious coffin in the Mojave, the corp Genqo decides to step up and press-gang the runner team for a job. Something was stolen from them, and Freydalia wants it back.


Jonah of the Jester's Crown has stolen a data chip from Genqo, and with a digital scream from a mysterious black box in the desert allowing the corp to finally collect an old treasure, they can focus on their ganger issue.

The Meet

By the power of a small corp military showing up to get the box, a fuckload of guns being pointed at the runners, and a very tall woman with premium chrome from years ago, the party was told to get in the choppers and come for a ride.

Arriving at the spire, they were informed of the datachip they need to retrieve, as well as being given a hotel should they need it, and a brief run down on the issues in Red that the Genqo has.

The party accepts the deal with a 20k payday promise, and a bonus five up front.

The Plan

Well, the party did a ton of legwork, sussing out the culture and the way the city worked. But ultimately after meeting a few people, they decided to throw their dice and fly by the seat of their pants.

The Run

Winding up at Red's Finest after meeting a whole bunch of people, and a POGChat ad for it, the party finds out that Spire legend Mateo is present, and he's here today to meet with Jonah.

Red Ribbon has a look about the matrix for the club and finds that there's a safe under the bar.

Jonah and Mateo head into the backroom to discuss something, while Marrisa starts a drinking contest as a distraction. It works, and the bar tender suddenly has to deal with 12 people drinking a lot, right as Chameleon sneaks by wearing a full RPC cloak and being sneaky as hecc in a club environment.

They open the safe and nap the chip, making a run for the door.




  • 20k nuyen (10rvp)+5k negotiation bonus (upfront)
  • 4 karma (4rvp)
  • 4cdp (2rvp)
  • 2cdp base
  • Optionally, Red Ribbon can take Maisy at loyalty 2 (2rvp)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)