Our Fellow Sorcerer's Corpses Part 1

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Our Fellow Sorcerer's Corpses Part 1
LocationSeattle, Redmond
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
The Family
Bunny Hop
Enter Heaven
Casualties and losses


Clocktower has found that a cult is operating within Seattle that wishes to summon a greater deity. The ritual itself is unclear, so RE:Gulus hires the runners to figure out where his fellow members went, where the bodies are, and to bring any alive. Finding out info about the cult or stopping the operations was additional but not necessary.


The Clocktower is an organization operating from the shadows. They tend to keep to themselves and hire folks who prove their abilities. They are small in numbers, with less than 30 members total, and now even less after a large portion of their team was killed during an operation to sus out the details of a cult in Redmond. So, given the missing teammates, Re:Gulus takes command of Clocktower as its reluctant and reticent leader.

The cult activites are one of a newer sort going by a name of 'The Family'. Their goals are shaded and unknown, popping up almost out of thing air from the astral. More questions pop up than answered, so the runners are called in to deal with the cult and save the remaining Clocktower Members.

The Meet

The runners meet and discuss the situation with Re:Gulus, going over the nature of the Clocktower and the cult activities. Re:Gulus suggests the team head to a local bar to start their searches, but before they leave Lingchi and Re:Gulus have a short chess match where Lingchi foiled the moves of Re:Gulus, creating a new powerful move called the Redmond Gambit.

The Plan

The runners decide to head to the bar to scout things out, and then try to asses the damage from there. Heading to the bar, they begin the searches for Re:Gulus's fellow sorcerers' bodies.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)