![]() | |
Scarred Mage | |
Pinprick of Light | |
Discord | @lhog |
elleelleellehawg | |
Metatype | Human |
Street Cred | 0 |
Notoriety | 0 |
Public Awareness | 0 |
Titles and Awards | "Accomplice of Pain" |
CDP | 36 |
D.O.B. | September 4th, 2054 |
Age | 31 |
Folder | Drive |
Priority | Metatype - C Attributes - B Magic/Resonance - A Skills - E Resources - D |
#Max IGs/Ascension | 7 |
Character Information
A mage burned by her own allies, sent packing across the sea and setting up shop in a city she doesn't know.
Ah. And she's lost her arm, eyes, and half her magical power. Some would call it inauspicious as a start. But Yue considers herself to have been born under a lucky star.
Sojourner at her side is helpful in these endeavors - the lucky star she works alongside.
- Don't die.
- Rediscover what magic is.
- Cleanse her aura of the taint left by the previous owner of her arm and eyes.
- Stand on the surface of another planet - first as a projection, then on the physical.
The daughter of rich parents, Yue isn't her given name - but the old one is burned. Perhaps even literally - the damage of breaking her oaths was extensive.
Initiated into the Ten Thousand Lions Triad at an early age, Lingchi was a faithful servant and a faithful mage until a breach of her trust and an insult that went too far. Her attempts at retaliation were ineffective, and quickly her family paid the price for her insolence. The Triad uses magical tattoos to keep their people loyal - and Yue was forced to take more bindings than most. Her magic, her sight, her physical strength, all bound up in the tattoos covering her. For some time, she lived in bondage. But when it became too much, she hatched a plan - cut the chains tying her, and pay whatever cost is required to escape.
She set a date with a doctor - one belonging to the Yakuza. A stack of nuyen - only her own - paid for the cost of the used 'ware she would need. And then? To cut her way out of the ties that bind? To break the magical power flowing through the tattoos? Lingchi had the doctor cut her arm off, knowing full well what came next. The backlash was ferocious, the damage massive, and her magic would never be the same. She was freed - but it cost her an arm and her eyes. Where she could, the old tattoos have been replaced. Her old hair has been replaced. Days of recovery later - she fled across the sea.
On the boat over, the person next to her asked her name, but the dazed mage could only mutter about what she saw in the sky hanging above. Yue Liang. 'Bright moon.' They called her that the rest of the voyage. In Seattle though? She got nicknamed by disdainful members of the Triad. They wouldn't go after her - but they ensured that she'd be reminded every day of what she'd done. Lingchi. Death by a thousand cuts. An execution by dismemberment, reserved for traitors. For now, Yue owns the name, for that is the name that gets her work.
Her old name? It should never come up, and she will be outraged if it does. But when someone calls her 静怡 (Jingyi) - she is outraged. Not that it shows, of course.
Narrative Significant Qualities
- Lucky - Even with all that's happened, Yue was born under a lucky star - must have, just to survive.
- Daredevil - Yue makes terrifically bad moves.
- Spirit Whisperer - There is a desire to understand the world around her and a desire to be understood in turn. Perhaps spirits have taken notice.
- Analytical Mind - She's caught an asteroid in a decaying orbit around a black hole - on the astral. Dead reckoning of physics and mathematics is one of the cosmic mage's strong suits, and it shows.
- Dependent (Inconvenience) - Drinking & Smoking
- Distinctive Style - Fiber Optic Hair, LED tattoos of the sun and milky way, stars in her cybereyes, and an obvious cyberarm. There's nothing subtle about Yue.
- Impassive - Not the most emotional of characters, and her flattened affect is offputting.
- Phobia (Uncommon, Moderate) - Being trapped
- Big Regret (Triad Mage) - The traces of her old Triad tattoos are visible around the edges of her LED panels laid atop them. Nobody who puts the pieces together about a mage who used to work with the Triads is likely to view her favorably, even active Triad members.
Run History
Contact | Connection | Loyalty | Archetype | Profession | Aspects | Chips |
Joe Smith | 3 | 2 | Fixer(N,K,G,A) | Fixer | Procurer of exotic goods, Hang gliding enthusiast, Linguist, Smuggling expert | -1 |
Quanxi | 5 | 2 | Networking | Translator | Wanted - Triads, Private Information, Ex Triad, Identical Twins, Wuxing, Magic Tradition - Wuxing, Fae Knowledge, Awakened Hangouts | Even |
Exeunt | 1 | 1 | Service | Street Doc | Past Paranoia, Critical Condition, Metahuman Jury-Rigger, Cyberdoc | Even |
Star Man | 2 | 2 | Service | Free Spirit | Spirit of Guardian, Astrology Man, Just Likes a Good Time | Even |
Stella | 2 | 2 | Gear | Cosmic Magic Talismonger | Overworked, Space?, Space!, Talismonger, UDub Grad Student | Even |
Corf | 1 | 2 | Service | Helpful Lil' Minecart | Rail-bound, Small, Living Transport, Underground, Wild Spirit, Smol | Even |
Informer | 2 | 2 | Legwork | Private Investigator | Truthseeker, Magical Expert, Trid Aficionado | Even |
Cascade | 4 | 2 | Service | International Smuggler and Fence | It's not fun if there's no Risk!, Smuggler Specialist, Garage of Ganked Gear, Stimulant Savant, Getaway Driver, Driver picks the Music, Passenger shuts their trap | Even |
Angélica Cabral | 4 | 1 | Fixer | For The Cause: OHK, Unbending Morals, Trying Times, A SURGE of Empathy, Breaking Cycles of Violence, Viewed from the Ground, Wide Awake, Striking Cycles of Violence, Still a Hospitaller, Blocking Cycles of Violence, Hang on - I've Heard of Them, Oh - I've heard of Them! | Even | |
Aniela | 3 | 3 | Service | On Vacation, I have a Friend for That, United we Stand, I know how to Hide!, Follower of Delphi(The Oracle), a Safe Place to Hide | Even |
Contact | Position | Connection | Faction Rep | Archetype | Health | Location |
Farraday's Clinic +5 Rep
Gates of Ishtar +3 Rep
Followers of the Iron Thorns +5 Rep
GreenWar +2 Rep
Renraku +1 Reputation
Black Lodge +1 Reputation (We don't know about this yet)
Compulsory Execution Unit -10 Rep
Zeta-ImpChem -2 Rep
Yellow Lotus Triad -10 Rep
In Character Information
Symbols and Signatures
If there's any symbol most associated with her, it's the shimmering stars in her eyes and the constellation running up her arm and onto her back.
Matrix Search Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | A form of torture by severing limbs. Favored by the Triads for those whom they view as traitors. |
3 | A relative nobody mage, with weak magical force due to the indignity of hosting used cyberware. Her eyes are stars, and her skin a constellation. |
6 | Thorough traces of her image place her back in the Triads just a month before she arrived in Seattle, with all limbs and ordinary eyes intact. Instead, she sported the sorts of tattoos one might expect of a member of the Triads - the type that enforce obedience. |
Shadow Community Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | A relatively weak mage. The only noteworthy thing about her is that she can at least hold a gun to make up for her mediocre casting. |
3 | A mage of the Cosmic tradition, with striking looks that make her memorable to almost anyone on the streets. She refuses to hide the LED tattoos and refuses to change the lenses of her cybereyes to something reasonable. Triad members have a distaste for her. |
5 | Burned by the tattoos the Triad once had binding her, this mage apparently had her arm cut off to escape the trap of bondage. |
Assensing Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 |
Mei Li (Fake, Rating 4, UCAS)
- Mage License (Fake, Rating 4)
- Firearms License (Fake, Rating 4)
Short of stature, but that's not the first thing people notice. Her cybereyes have stars in them - artificial ones. Her hair is ordinarily black, but at night, it lights up: mirroring the milky way, a comet occasionally streaking along one of the strands. On her (non-cyber) hand, one small LED panel has a sun and moon, circling with the time of day. Up along her arm trail constellations, and across her full back is the entirety of the draco constellation - not that it gets shown often. It is there to replace the swirling dragons whose traces remain in the skin separating the edges of the panels.
Long pants, heavy coats, short sleeves - something to let her arms remain free, to show the changes she's made to herself. Yue will not allow others to view her in the old light, not that many in Seattle would have even known who she was back then.
Matrix Persona
On the Matrix, she appears as a humanoid constellation - a hollow space of darkness, interspersed with stars and swirling planets.
Character Plot Hooks
Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when she's in use. If you want to use them in a run unrelated to Fennec, please ask first.
Aspect | Information | Related Run(s) |
Placeholder | Finish this later, LHOG. | Placeholder. |