Qui sème le vent... Récolte l'Atomique

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Revision as of 22:15, 15 December 2023 by Bulldogc (talk | contribs) (→‎The Run)
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Qui sème le vent... Récolte l'Atomique
Part of Contre-Révolution
Part of Rad Wars 2084
Status Threat Level: Semi-Prime
Factions Involved
La Resistance
Major Corp Vory


"The recent deployment of Marianne cost us a lot, the Résistance is scattered and we lack proper leadership, every little group want to get the upper hand and we are actually losing time and resources with infighting, although there is a solution. One figure that is unanimously alike in the circle of the Résistance. We call him D'Artagnan and as off now he is likely held in a secret prison in the middle of the S.O.X, we'll pay well for those who will put their life on the line for this one."


The Meet

The team gathered at the meet location within the SOX. Joan of Arc, the J, discussed the job with them. She wants the runners to locate and "release" D'Artagnan from the mysterious prison that he is currently being held within. Info about where he is being held and who is holding him is unknown. It is suspected that the DGSI is responsible somehow. The only lead is a corpse that was bring into a hospital in ENTERCITY HERE!. The team agreed after some negotiations and started to plan.

The Plan

The team started out trying to find as much info as they could about D'Artagnan and anyone that might have a reason to abduct and possibly hold him. In addition some basic information gathering about CITY-A. Only a small amount of background info was available, the matrix was surprisingly dark on the subject in question. D'Artagnan himself is a former revolutionary who may have been a little too "active" to avoid capture.

The team took off towards CITY-A and prepared to infiltrate the hospital where the target currently rests.

The Run

Once on location Vales, Blackhawk, and Artemisia prepared to sneak into the hospital through back doors/airducts ect while Heracles and Nu11stack prepared some false credentials to allow Delphi to walk in as a Doctor. The plan is to allow Delphi to get access to the corpse and perform an autopsy before it is incinerated at dawn. Nu11 prepared and planted the false credentials while Heracles looped cameras. Delphi entered the facility while the others slipped in, mostly un-accosted in all fronts. During the autopsy a medical intern approached and Delphi tricked her into assisting with the procedure. The body showed a few points of interested. The ware installed in the body was pre-crash ware, extremely old. Additionally there was some fungus on the body that grows exclusively within the SOX. Delphi extracted the eyes for further investigation and performed Psychometry on the corpse, experiencing the victims death. This reading along with some data recovered from the cyber-eyes provided some fresh leads --NEED INFO ABOUT HOW WE FOUND THE DUDE IN DEBT TO THE VORY---. In order to help the couple out of a jam, Delphi provided enough money to pay off their debts and the team went after the Vory.

The team moved on the Vory facility by the docks in order to rescue the captured informant, --INSERTNAME--. The team discovered a barrier around the warehouse, Veles slipped and located the suspect mage, neutralizing them. With their "Big Gun" out of commission, the rest of the Vory guards fell to the might of the fairly fight heavy team. They revived an unconscious --INSERT NAME HERE-- and learned that all of the stuff he "Recovered" from the body was fenced. He provided the name of the fence and the team set out to find the stuff. A quick trip and a small bribe and the fence provided the team with what was left of the objects. These objects pointed to runners to a tribe of locals within the SOX loving in the area of Luxembourg.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)