Reformation Hunt 4

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Reformation Hunt 4
Part of The Reformation
LocationTacoma, Seattle
Factions Involved
Seattle Council Guards
Boo's own damn drone


The Search

The Kill

MK used the standoff to her advantage, firing an unsilenced sniper rifle at short range, nailing two of the goons on the spot. Lucky jumped from the crane, killing two door guards, then parachuting in.

Caleb attempted to grenade his opponents, but unfortunately killed just about everyone in the conflict. This made easy pickings, Lucky firing a shot through three barriers to kill Caleb, MK rushing in to snatch his head. She dashed outside, gunning down one of the two remaining doormen as they fled, then dived into Lucky's car... Just as one of the bounty hunter's cars turned up, alerted by the sniper shot, and fired a harpoon at Lucky, parachuting in through his car door. MK destroyed the BH's car's engine, and Lucky floored it.

And they were off! Hooning though Pullayup, the hunters persuing them. First, the disabled car harpooned Lucky's Jackrabbit, getting a tow, before lucky shot the rope. MK, however was dealing with a different problem - They were preparing to rocket them! She lined up a shot, and fired down the tube of a bounty hunter's aztechnology striker as he fired, causing the rocket to detonate, killing the troll and totalling their Bulldog. After that, the two runners escaped, safely delivering their head to Herron Island Estate.



  • 11 karma
  • 2 CDP

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

<Heads will roll.trid> A trid cut together. It begins with a Distorted voice Saying "You are Lucky, i got info on a place where he hides currently, while drums play in the background. Then a cut to Lucky putting on what seem to be very heavy boots. Music slowly building. Scene from inside a car, several bulky cars can be seen in the distance with a logo on them, the music drops to quick but quiet tones. A Flash pic of a Building Crane,music rises again. Then in a split screen on the left you see Lucky walking up the Crane, while standing horizontally, on the right you see from a shoulder position a group of people arguing an the target being visibly upset, it seems as if half his people want the money and half want to protect him. Music rising slowly. Lucky has now reached the end of the Crane Arm, he is wearing a Daedalus suit with Parachute and his Ultimax. He looks down at one point out of view. On the left side the person rises its weapon and aims at the target. Music cuts. <heavy breathing.sim> plays as the vision in both parts of the screen narrows down to the target and Lucky. Then Lucky jumps off the crane in the same moment the other person shoots. Music drops into a metal beat. Inside the building chaos breaks out as both sides now begin to fight. The target whips out an Alpha and launches a Grenade. Slow Motion(Fullscreen) The grenade travels forward, hits the ground but bounces back towards the target and explodes midair Slow Mo End Cut to Lucky who aims at two thugs outside the entrance as he nails both of them in a single sweep and pulls his cord and adjusts the fall. Cut back inside where the Target still stands and the other person takes out one other thug who survived he explosion as well. So far you count three people still standing including the target out Cut back to Lucky who is now flying over the building, his smartgun beeping that despite having visual feed on the target there is a lot of walls to penetrate. he takes the Shot. Quick Cuts of Guncam, Inside Cam and regular cam as the Bullet travels through the air, hits the roof and hits the target right in the chest. Smartgun Stats show: Kill confirmed, Triple Penetration. Inside the other person runs, cuts of the Head with Cyberspurs and continues to kill one other dude, while the second one gets shot yet again through the roof, a quick Smartgun Flash "Kill Confirmed". Outside the last Thug takes a run for its life as the other person with the head in their hand makes a spring to a Jackrabbit rolling up. Cut back to Lucky who gets targeted by a Harpoon shot from a vehicle that you saw earlier, he dodges that and makes a perfect landing in his Drivers