It's A Gas
It's A Gas | |||||||
Part of Shadow Heroes | |||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||
ShadowHaven Yata Moth Itztli La Rapide | Neo Assembly |
The runners found out at the meet that the Johnson was was Bold of the City Watch. The vigilante super hero was trying to take down Agent Orange, a toxin producing supervillain, who had recently caused a dangerous explosion at Tacoma mall.
He needed runners to infiltrate Agent Orange's secret lair. A heavily locked down toxin production faculty in the Barrens. Word was that Agent Orange was using a recruiter, Jimmy 8 Fingers to bring on some more villian hench man. And that meant the proud hero needed some criminals to do the infiltration who could get hired on. The mission was to get to the security terminal and apply a data chip that would introduce a virus. And to get video footage of the whole thing. For a cash bonus.
The runners tracked down Jimmy 8 Fingers at a seedy drive-in in Puyallup. He said he'd take them to the property the next day.
This presented a challenge - with Jimmy driving them through the terrible environmental hazards, they could see it was very dangerous and challenging to navigate. And, they didn't have a vehicle of their own, since they were riding in Jimmy's jeep. A problem to solve...
And the ride in was dangerous! They were attacked by fire spirits.
The runners did minion jobs - loading boxes, preparing weapons, lots of scut work. But it helped them learn, and put together a plan.
It took a lot of distraction, stealth, and clever fast talk, but they got the data chip in place.
And Moth convinced a smuggler delivering a shipment to be their ride out of the area, earning a new contact in D'Auriel Peirson.
They got out clean, and got paid.
The City Watch wanted to take down Agent Orange. He was a threat to the city. The City Watch believed Agent Orange to be responsible for A recent attack and robbery at Tacoma Mall. He was a terrible danger.
And Horizon underwrites them. The idea of using runners to infiltrate a supervillain's lair was also a chance to get camera footage for Horizon's live superhero feed store.
Agent Orange had created a lair with tremendous physical security. Many rooms. Air locks. A powerful custom neurotoxin flooding some rooms as a trap.
The Meet
Bold had the runners meet him at an abandoned warehouse in Puyallup. His disdain for criminals was apparent.
With some negotiation, it was agreed the runners would get ¥20,000 each. The last ¥2,000 of that was for each person to have a person video feed of all of the action.
The runners realized they had an option: get recruited as themselves, or disguise themselves.
Yata was comfortable being herself, and lending her street cred to the operation.
Everyone else decided to take advantage of Itztli and Moth's amazing disguise skills and equipment.
The mission was clear: Get recruited; infiltrate the based; find the security terminal; put the datachip in the terminal; turn in the proof (video feed) to the Johnson.
The Plan
Get recruited! - The runners went to likely seedy bars where Jimmy 8 Fingers might be at. They asked around. - They found Jimmy and leaned on Yata's reputation to get the job, while the others made the best impression they could as their disguised personalities. - Itztli had a summoned spirit follow Jimmy just in case he wasn't going to keep the appointment. Happily he did.
Infiltrate! - They showed up to meet Jimmy as instructed, and followed his directions. - The plan was to be good minions until they had enough information to get the chip on the security terminal. - They took inventory of their skillsets. They had good social skills and one sneaky person. They would watch, and take advantage of the opportunities presented. - Yata hid the data chip in her leg.
The Run
The trip with Jimmy 8 Fingers to the secret lair was more dangerous than they expected. They were attacked by fire spirits. Yata could take the hits, and helped protect Moth. La Rapide attacked the fire spirits with a deadly whip. Itztli summoned a water spirit. Moth rallied them to do their best.
Once inside, they had to do a number of minion tasks, to learn the map, the hazards, the security processes, and the way to the security terminal.
Moth identified a smuggler making a delivery as their best chance to escape, and recruited his help. He had access to multiple vehicles. D'Auriel Peirson gave her his contact information, and a promimse to return when called.
Yata and Itztli found the security room. But it was quite secure. Luckily, they discovered that Agent Orange had ordered an over-ride key that would get through all of the air lock doors. They were assigned to deliver it, and some other supplies, and managed to swipe it, with Itztli providing a great distraction, and Yata showing off her palming skills.
The runners re-assembled and made the plan. How could they use Agent Orange's key and make it plausible? Moth came up with the con that the newly delivered key card hadn't worked with Agent Orange tried it, and the angry boss had sent them to test it and figure out what was wrong. They came sweeping in, testing the key (which of course worked), and she made a distracting show of trying it on other doors in the room. Yata got the datachip in place.
The team had done it. They got away clean, and met up with D'Auriel Peirson at the planned evac point.
They gave Bold the video footage and the stolen override key. They got paid.
But, weeks later, Yata realized that she was on a Horizon trid, as the run was incorporated into the shows about taking down Agent Orange. The rest of them could not be recognized, but she could be.
Meanwhile, there may be interest in mysterious runners The Cat (Moth), Obsidian (Itztli), and La Fast (La Rapide).
- ¥20,000
- 2 Karma
- 2 CDP
- Option to buy D'Auriel Peirson as a Loyalty 1 contact.
- Yata gained +1 Public Awareness, as the footage the team recorded will be aired on the trids after City Watch takes down Agent Orange.
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
This was a difficult job but it was for a good cause. As beign hired by a Vigilante as a criminal isn't weird enough but it to be tp infiltratinga "villians organization" crowns the whole thing. But I took the job and wont complain. It was quite difficult to put that damned chip in the security console but I guess being on the run for several years and always hiding you get used to be disguised and to be another person. It sure helped to rely on Yatas reputation but in retrospekt I feel bad for her being in that vigilanteshow this would have been my death. but getting into the Agent Orange "fortress" was the easiest part on our way there fighting those spirits was a tough deal and once in that damned building it was even tougher to get to the room where the security console was because they filled that frick'n room with KO gas. And I probably can't ever forgive myself for Fangirling Agent Orange even tho it helped us reach our goal.
La Rapide
It feels good to be the good guy, for once. OK, maybe I wasn't that nice to that one guy, let's just don't talk about that. But those cheeky bastards from Horizon, with their stupid show. Luckily we were disguised, well most of us.