The Hacker Wars

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The Hacker Wars
GMDoc Mcguffins
LocationKnight Errant Host
Factions Involved
Knight Errant
Target Corp


Runners are hired to delete an arrest file from the KE host and provide matrix support for a ground team breaking a guy out of jail.


The Meet

The team meets with the Johnson on the Matrix. He explains the basics: he needs a file deleted from a host and matrix support for a ground team. He offers 14K for this job. The team agrees, perhaps a little too quickly, as he reveals they are breaking into KE. A buddy of his has ended up on the wrong side of the law and he wants the arrest record gone. Im addition, he has hired a second team to handle the physical side of retrieving the guy while in transit to his permanent placement.

The Plan

The runners scout out the host. The KE host is a destination host with two nested hosts, one holding the files, and the other acting as master to slaved devices. Armed with this knowledge, the runners plan to wait until the transport vehicle with the target has left, then they will delete the necessary data, then switch to the industrial host and skew things as much in favor of the ground team as they can.

The Run



14K Nuyen, Instinctive Hack(2Karma), 7 Karma, 2CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)