Grandma's Pearls

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Grandma's Pearls
Status Threat Level: Milkrun
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Paracritters


Three runners were assembled to retrieve a new and flighty J's missing jewelry. Along the way, the discovered that Shadowrunning doesn't always have to be hard, but it isn't always easy either. Also, beware of furry creatures.


The three runners were all contacted by their various fixers and informed of a seemingly simple run put out by a newbie J. They made their various ways to the meet way out in Puyallup, a location which the runners remarked on as an odd choice, especially when the J rolled up in a ROLLS-ROYCE PHAETON.

The Meet

After the driver got out and opened the door, the J bounced out, a bubbly elven socialite. The J needed the runners to discretely search out a thief, and recover the J's sentimentally valuable pearls. The J then made clear the need for discretion, and that the runners would need to do their work without drawing the attention of other members of the household. After agreeing on payment, the J re-entered the car, and the driver closed the door. When questioned by the runners, the driver reluctantly stated that the household staff had been dealing with some pests around the house, mostly insect in nature, and that this incident was the closest the whole household had gotten to learning of the issue. He gave the runners the coordinates of the mansion, and his commcode so that he could discreetly escort them onto and off of the property. While the runenrs were discussing things with the driver, some rustling was heard in a bush nearby, and 2 of the runners went to investigate, finding only tracks of an opossum. Finding no connection with the mission at hand, they left the animal to its foraging.

The Plan

After the J left the meeting location, the runners then planned their entry method into the property. The runner agreed that they would need some costumes for disguises, and between multiple calls to contacts and a quick visit to the Crime Mall, the team found themselves outfitted with (seemingly) all they would need to blend in and complete the job.

The Run

The team then hopped in Orchid's Roadmaster and headed up into Everett. Upon approaching the area of the mansion, they found themselves blocked by a manned checkpoint. After an initial nail-biting SIN scan for Suzanna, a second scan allowed the runners through. The driver then allowed the runners onto the property, and escorted them up the stairs and into the J's room. After some investigation, the runners discovered strange scratch marks on some of the furniture, and similar damage to the the window lock. After noting that this kind of damage was seemingly animalian in nature. Heading back outside and looking for tracks, the runners follow the animal sign to a tree.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)