Brett Moran

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Brett Moran
Telestrian Lobbyist
Contact OwnerArchtmag
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, Tir Tairngire
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen, Favors
Hobbies/ViceWomen, Traveling, Wine
Personal LifeSingle
FactionTelestrian Industries
AspectsCorporate Connection
Tir Native
Telestrian Climber
High Society
Low Society


Brett Moran serves Telestrian Industries, generally traveling between the Tir and Seattle, attending meetings and socializing with officials from the UCAS and other corporations. As part of his duties, he tries to keep channels relaxed and open, market Telestrian products and services to potential buyers, and serve as an advocate for his corporation's desires throughout the sprawl. Generally a relaxed and confident man, his relatively low stress job and generous paycheck let him live an easy life.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Example Negative Aspect This is an example negative aspect. You can write the fluff text here. Be sure to clear the negative aspect with thematics. If you do not wish to have a negative aspect, feel free to delete this section.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Corporate Connection A charming smile and a quick conversation goes a long way. Brett might be able to connect you with you who need. +2 to Networking Tests involving people in the UCAS or Corporations.
Tir Native Brett spends much of his time away from home, but who would actually want to leave the Tir. +2 to Tests involving Tir Tairngire
Telestrian Climber Brett's managed to get a cushy job, even with out the Telestrian last name! +2 to Tests involving the Telestrians or Telestrian Industries.


Knowledge Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
A Night Under the StarsArchtmagBy Royal Decree19 August 2082