
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Cyberscreamers Guide
Contact OwnerAsmodeus
LocationHalloween Store Foundation
MetatypeWasp SURGE Ogre
Preferred Payment MethodService
Personal LifeTaken
AspectsOff The Grid
AI Associate
Foundation Fixer
Dissonant Druid
Prime Datahaven Membership
Sprite Savvy
Diagnostics Sprites


Chitin is an ex-shadowrunner that turned to the Starscreamers during Pump King Jack's reign. While she managed to work for him as his right hand, after Jack left for the Metaplane of Man and the Starscreamers disbanded, Chitin formed a Matrix clan in a secret location, hidden in the Null Node of a seasonal store's host's foundation. By entering the Null Node, automatically skimming it and either accepting or rejecting the package, one can find a reverse side of the foundation identical in appearance but lacking Variance or programs, only inhabited by users. She's unfortunately Dissonant with the Morphinae stream, and can find odd coincidences where others cannot.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Off The Grid Chitin is incredibly difficult to get a hold of. Always roll Availability when contacting her during a run and treat her Connection as 4 higher than usual.
Morphinae Due to her Dissonance, if any contact roll you make with her is a glitch, she'll deliver the information or service in an unexpectedly destructive way, such as nonsensical dossiers or bricked devices.
AI Associate While unintentional, Chitin's accumulated a decent bit of information about AIs of various kinds.
Xenophile When it comes to true residents of the Matrix, the xenosapients, there's a thing or two she can tell you.
Foundation Fixer Manipulating foundations? She can help you out!
Dissonant Druid There's some truly frightening knowledge to be learned about the Matrix crazies. Ask her, if you dare.
Prime Datahaven Membership While old and dated, Chiting still has access to JackPoint from her olden days. She isn't one to leak information, but she could answer a few questions.
Sprite Savvy There's a whole new world about sprites out there! Ask, she'll know.
Diagnostics Sprites If asked, Chitin can provide a one-time service sprite per run for a single task. This counts as a R2 Service Favor and must be paid for in RVP. This functions as a Diagnostics sprite and uses her Active check to provide extra dicepool for one check.


Knowledge Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety

Players with this Contact

No active characters with this contact have been found.

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
UprootedAsmodeus4 September 2082