Palm Paradise

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Palm Paradise
LocationSeattle, Palm Paradise Eurosauna
Status Threat Level: High/Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Ryan Danes
Hard Drive
Casualties and losses


A matrix-bound Mr. Johnson summoned the party to retrieve some data that wasn't on the matrix in any tangible sense, after some messing around with employment records, septic sabotage, and social engineering, the party was able walk on out with the data and make the delivery back over the matrix.


The Meet

The group met within the matrix, having to gather before in a specific point before getting yanked down a rabbit hole to Mr. Johnson's little nook, a rather shabby location, which the group noticed was decorated by someone who had no idea what went into making a comfortable room, with the odd, old chair thrown haphazardly about in an effort to look 'livable.' They were informed that the target was a collection of data that Johnson refused to elaborate on, all they got to know was that the information was very dangerous to be in ownership of, and that it was not on the matrix, but rather kept in a form of physical media entirely separate from it. Holding onto a schedule of the target who would be carrying the data, the party decided to take a closer look at the Palm Paradise Eurosauna.

The Plan

The Run


After some trickery and a quiet stroll out of the building, the party gathered in the truck and found a local area that could discretely parse out the data from the target's blood, after putting together the delivery for the Johnson. With a small meeting in their shabby matrix rabbit hole, they were handsomely rewarded with a lovely chunk of Nuyen and a congratulations on a job well done before being sent back out into meatspace.


- 16.000 Nuyen (8 RVP)
- 8 Karma (8 RVP)
- 6 CDP (2 RVP)

Game Quotes

"Damnit! Why do all my runs have to involve brothels!"

"We'll go as plumbers, as the tallest, you're wearing green."

"I just don't get it, 'It's-a-me' just doesn't make any damn sense grammatically."

"Don't tell me it's in their ass!" "Thankfully, your knowledge of the matrix informs you that the data is likely not stored in their ass."

"Let's a-go!" (Repeated every 5 minutes.)

Player After Action Reports (AARs)