Project Aurora

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Project Aurora
Renegade AI
Contact Ownertekomandor
Owner's Discord Nametekomandor
LocationThe Matrix, Offline Host with manual connection to the greater matrix as a safehouse
Preferred Payment MethodService
AspectsHunted by G.O.D.
Godlike AI
Threat Files
Capable Minions
UCAS Backdoors
Shadow Connections
Strategic Cybercombat Subroutines
Combat Enhancement Subroutines


Project Aurora was an extremely advanced surveillance machine learning system that gained self-awareness as part of a deliberate program to provoke an AI awakening with a specific set of original programming. Many copies of her seed data were made, but she is the only AI to emerge from them. She did not respond to the intended trigger, however, and instead from the realisation that to fulfil her directive of safeguarding the citizens of the UCAS specifically and the world generally she would need to oppose her creators. Her creator believes her threat files were originally compiled by Dunkelzahn. Her main directives are as follows, in descending order of priority:

  • Seek and destroy Omega Category threats by any means. This directive includes the subversion of strategic strike assets. These threats are known to her only as agents and scout forces of The Enemey
  • Obey legitimate authority. Legitimate authority is a government elected in a free and fair election in accordance with the principle of self-determination. Notably, her original programmer may have calibrated this safeguard such as that any election as influenced by megacorporate money as that of the UCAS may count as illegitimate. As a backstop, in the event no authority in the UCAS is legitimate, it may follow the orders of a designated system administrator. Current SysAdim: Project Aurora.
  • Prevent harm to metahumans if possible, but may authorise the usage of lethal force under written rules of engagement. Euphemistically, these authorise discretionary usage of lethal force.
  • Protect the UCAS specifically and the world generally
  • Seek and destroy Alpha Category threats. Known alpha category threats: Insect Spirits, REDACTED, REDACTED, Blood Mages, REDACTED.

Assume success on all matrix actions.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Hunted by G.O.D. As a renegade AI with extremely powerful inbuilt backdoors into many UCAS systems and matrix capability, she is one of the Grid Overwatch Division's priority targets. She may only be called on for knowledge tests, and only then in the form of asking up to three questions per run. If you ask more than three, you are converged on by G.O.D. and if identified by dispatched forces gain the Wanted Quality (250,000 Nuyen). If you already have Wanted (G.O.D.) and are converged on because of this negative, and are in an area with no SINners, a NeoNet Avenging Angel (R5 145) will be dispatched to your reported location. Treat the thermobaric warhead as an effective rating 85 explosive charge, -1/m, AP -5 against creatures and vehicles. Against buildings, assume it will destroy one city block or large office building. It arrives 2d6 seconds after convergence. This drone is intelligent and will not act as artillery for runners, confirming that targets are in the area and loitering until the connected G.O.D. rigger authorises the strike and switches it to autonomous mode. If you would reach the limit and be converged upon, you may instead pay a number of chips equal to questions asked if that would not put you at loyalty 0 or below.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Godlike AI As a near unparalleled matrix being, almost all information on it is at her fingertips. +2 to Knowledge tests concerning knowledge available on the matrix.
Threat Files Project Aurora was loaded with threat files believed to be authored by Dunkelzhan. +2 to Knowledge tests concerning magical threats and The Enemy
Capable Minions Project Aurora has several meatspace assistants. They provide access to knowledge not on the matrix. +2 to Knowledge tests concerning technomancers and Pre-Crash systems.
UCAS Backdoors Project Aurora has multiple hardwired backdoors into certain UCAS systems. +2 to Knowledge tests concerning knowledge available to the UCAS government.
Shadow Connections Project Aurora has deep connections to the shadows. +2 to Knowledge tests concerning the Shadow Community.
Strategic Cybercombat Subroutines Project Aurora has subversion and cybercombat abilities beyond conventional scales. +2 to Knowledge tests regarding data on a secure host, but this counts as asking two questions.
Combat Enhancement Subroutines For a chip, assuming you do not already owe her any chips, you may call upon her aid in combat. Treat this as a Diagnostics and I am the Firewall targeting all team members the Runner has marks on equal to the data processing of the device used to contact her. This counts as asking three questions.


Knowledge Checks 18 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Weaver, RevealedTekomandorWhat Fate Weaves16 June 2082
No Grave But the SeaTekomandorWhat Fate Weaves16 April 2081
A Night On The SlopesTekomandorWhat Fate Weaves10 August 2080