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So, as most of us know with the two spells of mindlink, and mindnet, your able to communicate immages, emotions, and other senses to one another as a way of communication. However, it's stated that mindlink lets willing subjects within touching range send these thoughts to one another, and with mind net, it says a willing group of people. Now it's obvious that mindnet wouldn't work, but what classfies as willing subjects with mindlink? I understand that metahumans count...But what about things like animals? Or spirits? They should technically be considered subjects under the RAW of mindlink...Willing or not is a different matter together however, if somehow another subject besides metahumans was willing, would mindlink work?  +
Can you turn a vehicle (or at least a ram plate) into a weapon focus? Assuming it only adds dice to ramming tests. By extension, what about adept powers that need a weapon focus, like Elemental Weapon? Followup: can you take the adept power Critical Strike for ramming?  +
With how the rules of buffout work, and how Narco works in terms of drugs that deal damage...Does the effects of Narco take effect once you crash on buffout? Or every time you have to make a test on buffout?  +
Can you take biocompat at gen only? ((sad sent me here))  +
Delivery times on upgraded items: Is it based on the price difference or the total price of the final item? Also: usability of the item while waiting for that delivery: Guessing foci are a no, due to having to sit in a talismonger's lodge for the duration, but ware and other things not as location-sensitive during construction?  +
As stated in R&G 125 with RFYL it states "Immediately after a Throwing Weapons Attack or Area-Effect Indirect Combat Spell Spellcasting Test, a character can make an immediate Interrupt Action to flee." However, rocket launchers, and to the similar extent grenade launchers, aren't thrown weapons they're heavy weapons. So that asks the question of, if it's possible on the haven to RFYL from these types of things.  +
conformation on weather or not you can do a "extended" matrix search. Ive had some Gms run it either way, and would like to have a "right" way to do it instead of just saying "Well it's how i was told to do it"  +
Another question about Possessing and cyberlimbs. It states in Possession that they cant work "ACTIVE" cyber things. So do we consider the moving of Cyber limbs a Active thing, or passive?  +
1: Can you put a chemseal in an urban explorer jumpsuit with the helmet? 2: Does chemseal provide enough protection from the sun to reduce an infected allergy to sunlight to mild? Does radiation protection 6? 3: What exactly would qualify for it to protect if the above doesn't? For reference, this is in relation to a vampire. Citations: for the Infected bits, and the Urban Explorer is from the CRB. It's basically a jumpsuit/courier outfit that can come with a full helmet.  +
can you go on runs while training without having to redo the entire training ?  +
Please reconsider the current altered ruleset for Barehanded Adept: the current list of allowed spells makes no sense, and besides all that the Force is limited to Mag/3  +
If you use Channeling to call a spirit in to your self, can you use the Instruction skill to train your self? (someone with a skill soft maybe able to do the same thing if they want.)  +
Can we get a trainer for training Skill specializations and martial arts (well one with a faster training time for martial arts then the Raw rules) ? A month can be a long time in the real world.  +
So I have a character in the works that ideally will have 20 Karma after I've finished with the Qualities. Now, seeing as how I intend to play the char a changeling, I want to know whether or not I need 30 Karma just to trigger Surge III? I'm picking the Changeling Qualities myself, but in the end, I still have 16 (or 20, depending on whether or not I decide to choose one of them) Karma points to spare. Now, the question is, do I need 30 Karma points going into the changeling if I'm going to have 10 points spare going out regardless? Furthermore, I also wanted to make something to stand out, and so wanted to combine the Dermal Alteration with dragon scales in combination with Striking Skin Pigmentation, Unusual Hair and Bioluminescence. The only thing is, the game claims you can't mix neither the Dermal Alteration nor the negative quality Scales with other qualities that change skin (which ended with me picking Insectoid Features, namely carapace because that doesn't clash with anything but does the same thing as Scales would). Personally, I don't see how this would affect purely cosmetic stuff such as radically changing pigmentation or making it glow all pretty-like, and reckon that it's more aimed towards the Dermal Deposit quality, but the guys in chargen won't let me combine the dragon scales or the standard scales with the cosmetics. Any chance to either interpret the rules a bit freely or just make a GM exception in this case? Regardless of the verdict, cheers for reading!  +
For the purposes of spirit index, does have to deliver the killing blow to get spirit index due to dispersal, or does one merely need to participate in combat with a spirit while someone else delivers the killing blow?  +
At what point does a weapon become mounted? Standard tripod? Smart tripod? Where is the line?  +
(1) Can astral signatures be described by one mage to another? (2) Can a summoned spirit performing the assensing service to read an astral signature describe it (or mental-link it) to the summoner? (All spirits have the Assensing power, some have Arcana, if it matters) (3) If yes to either 1 or 2, does a communicated signature work mechanically the same as an astral signature learn via assensing?  +
Can commlinks receive Program Carriers and other cyberdeck modules?  +
Issue with Bonding Ritual in Street Grimoire Street Grimoire post-errata - "bonding ritual (with appropriate technical skill) with a minimum Force equal to the hits rolled using the appropriate dice pool on the Object Resistance Table" Street Grimoire pre-erratta - "bonding ritual (with appropriate technical skill) with a minimum Force equal to the Object Resistance Table" Normally straight forward, but there's no note of the change in official errata. Which one are we going with?  +
Question regarding breaking down. How much does the breakdown do for you. Like does it reduce it size 1 category Such as normal pistol -> Light pistol and Heavy pistol -> normal pistol I know the main appeal of the breakdown is to hide the parts seperatly, but having a clarification on how much it helps is always a good thing in my eyes  +