Of Gangsters and Dollhouses

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Of Gangsters and Dollhouses
LocationRedmond Barrens, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Finnigan Family
5 Yakuza Thugs
Casualties and losses
1 Dead Yakuza, 4 Unconscious


Mr. Jones of the Finnigan Family hired the runners to acquire a new model of bunraku doll for some studying into security exploits and the technology.


Mr. Jones wants to acquire some newer Yakuza simsense tech to see if he can apply it to mafia BTL production so he can get some extra nuyen and family cred.

The Meet

The runners meet with Mr. Jones in Johnny's Burgers. A run down establishment in Touristville. There was some friction with a local beat cop that was there over two of the runners wearing FBA which resulted in the cop checking their sins to make sure they had legitimate allowance for wearing the armor and asked them their reasoning for doing so. After being given flimsy reasons the cop just decided he wasn't paid enough to care and the sins had checked out anyways so he just told the runners to get out of his patrol route so he didn't have to deal with them anymore.

After all of this the runners made it to the burger joint and Mr. Jones laid it out quite quickly. Get him the girl so he can take out her augs and have his boys study them. He releases the girl in a stable enough condition so he doesn't have to deal with a corpse. And the runners get paid. After convincing the runners he didn't mean overt harm to the bunraku doll and offering them a significant amount of cash he gave them a commlink with details on where the warehouse with the Yakuza, the girl, and various other items could be found. He then told them to leave so he could finish his burgers.

The Plan

The runners went to the indicated neighborhood and started to canvas the place so that they could find the Yakuza warehouse. They ended up seeing a very well dressed Japanese man with slicked back biker hair and a incredibly nice suit. The team stalked the man back to a warehouse that fit the bill, and Eidolon radar scanned the warehouse to find out that there was 6 people inside, 5 with large objects on their backs that seemed to be katanas and 1 laying motionless on the floor. Roc suggested distracting one of the Yakuza members to winnow down the numbers.

The Run

Roc disguised herself as a Japanese lady of the night and made it seem like her feathers were part of a costume. One of the Yakuza fell for her seduction and followed her into a alleyway where Eidolon took him out with a gel round. The rest of the runners proceeded to storm the warehouse and took out the other 4 Yakuza thugs relatively easy. Afterwards they took the girl who was catatonic due to not having a chip installed and put in a 1950's style Geisha lady by chance. She then followed the orders of the runners to follow them into a car. They delivered her to a Street Doc by the name of Bill O'Reilly.


Mr. Jones got the simsense ware he wanted. Bill released the girl in a relatively stable state. Eidolon waiting until she was released from the clinic and took her to Dr. Hank Lawson for a checkup, after which he brought her to Madame Butterfly so she could become a worker there. This was due to Eidolon wanting her to be in a more safe place than the streets.


13 RVP,

20,000 K Nuyen,

3 Karma,

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)