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A one-time silver spoonling, Sizzles is a decker, ex-terrorist and freedom fighter with veterancy from his time with rebel groups in Aztlan. With the liquidation of his cell by AZT, he has relocated to the UCAS city furthest from New York and from the Rio Grande as possible and has only recently entered the shadows.
DiscordKirk V (he/him)#6864
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Aug 2 2055
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - A
Resources - D
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Wyatt is the son of a state-government power couple and the member of a decades-old political dynasty (the Prosper-Zhao dynasty, specifically). His mother is a state senator and his father is a major political operator for the President's party in the state of New York. He was born in Albany, NY, and raised in wealth and luxury. Wyatt, even from a young age, was always better at pulling out a clutch save than he ever was at scoring well on an aptitude test - in the end, to save themselves embarassment, his parents shunted him off to an unremarkable state university rather than risk allowing him to attend MIT&T. At university he studied civil engineering (physical and matrix infrastructure) and proved himself to be far more suited to the field than anyone expected. He also quickly fell in with a group of fellow students with family ties to the Yucatan and, according to police records, "was radicalized". He abandoned his studies, wrote a dramatic letter to his family, spent what cash he had, and relocated to the Yucatan to offer to help fight against AZT encroachment and reconstruct destroyed settlements.

Several years of insurgent fighting against AZT left their mark on him, and although his clan induced the UCAS government to declare him dead, he remains very much alive. He survived the AZT counterstrike that took out his cell by dumb luck (shot in the chest, which knocked him out a window, which put him outside the range of the explosion). Now a largely friendless man with a lot of ghosts behind him, he has relocated to Seattle to get as far away from his past as he can and is trying to convince himself that day-to-day survival is the best he can hope for.



Narrative Significant Qualities


Lucky - Wyatt has been declared "iconic mid" by many; yet, when the chips are down, he comes through. Overclocker - though you might not notice it right away, Wyatt is highly educated in hardware and software, with both formal and "resolver" education.


Prejudiced (Radically, Against Azzies) - They're servants of hell, agents of evil, warriors for the destruction of the earth and everything good within it. Of _course_ there's such a thing as a "good Azzie" - a dead one! Social Stress (Burning Jungles, Extremely Close Flames, Friends & Allies Being Executed Or Threatened) - Sizzles' insurgent group was targeted for elimination by AZT with extreme prejudice - the memory of that day tends to trouble him whenever he recalls it.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Halloween KittyAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingHigh6 October 2084
Minime Senuisti" Part 1youmayfireDeadly1 October 2084
Birds and the Bees on the High Seaslov.euphoriaMedium13 September 2084
Wine Tasting in K-TownVilliersMedium10 September 2084
Cascade ColaYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After All
Devil's Night
Deadly2 September 2084
What good is a key cardUser:ThunderMilk27 August 2084
Condolences for JohnsonsYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After AllMilk Run20 August 2084
"Fragile? It Must Be Italian!" FinaleYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After AllExtreme15 August 2084
A Question of EthicsVilliersMedium4 August 2084
Outlaw CountryYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After All
The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
Deadly30 July 2084
Libertines and LaesYouMayFireWhenReadyIt's a Small Underworld After All
The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
Deadly23 July 2084
The GambianYouMayFireWhenReadyThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84High20 July 2084
Free Seattle! Part 3YouMayFireWhenReadyThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Low19 July 2084
Potholes of GoldVilliersThe C in UCAS is for CorruptionMedium14 July 2084
Free Seattle! Part 2YouMayFireWhenReadyThe Metroplex Governor Race of '84Low14 July 2084
Fragile? It Must Be Italian! Part 2YouMayFireWhenReadyDevil's NightMedium9 July 2084
Fragile? It Must Be Italian! Part 1.1YouMayFireWhenReadyDevil's NightLow29 June 2084
Fragile It Must Be ItalianDavid A. (youmayfirewhenready)Medium25 June 2084



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