Saving the Survivors

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Saving the Survivors
Part of Swarming Season
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
UCAS Military
The Kansas Swarm
C-Unit 537 - Hunter
Casualties and losses
0 1 Caretaker Spirit


A few runners borrow a military vehicle to go rescue survivors from a warzone. Poor luck ensues.


Due to the extreme number of insects and heavy artillery, several groups of soldiers have been stranded in the bombardment zone between the Army battle line and the swarm's epicenter. Runners were contacted to rescue people from that area before resuming artillery fire pinned them down again.

The Meet

The team met at Fort Riley, where their Johnson, Major Jehnson, laid out the job for them. They were going to go into the no mans land, grab as many people as they could, and then get out before the artillery started up again. A few more bits of information were exchanged, and then the team was ready to go off.

The Plan

The team asked Major Jehnson to borrow a transport, as none of them had a vehicle big enough to transport both the team and any people they came across. They allowed them to, and the team made a simple plan. They were 3 army emergency beacons nearby that were close enough to reach within the time limit, so they were going to hit those and then come back, picking up any survivors on the way.

The Run

The team quickly ran into their first trouble, with Hunter detecting several auras belonging to insect spirits along the path. While they attempted to avoid them, they ended up drawing their attention anyways and the insects attempted (but failed) to give chase. They arrived at the first beacon soon enough, where 5 people where holding up in an old church. None of them appeared to be bugs when Hunter assensed them, so they loaded them in and drove over to the next beacon. This time, 5 survivors, one critically wounded, were found. Hunter still found none of them to be spirits, but also saw a caretaker cicada following them. Re-assensing the survivors, Hunter found that one of the new group was a nymph, while Pasiphae found out one of the ones they had already rescued was a scout. Tricking the scout out of the vehicle, the team left, but were followed by the caretaker and attacked. Thankfully, timber managed to shoot it in the face with an incendiary arrow, followed by Pasiphae kicking it apart. They found the last beacon in an old bomb shelter, where the inhabitants were much less cooperative, and while the inhabitants were highly suspicious, the team was able to calm them down and get them in, after verifying they were also not bugs.


The team made it back to the base, and after a brief inspection, the survivors were let out, and the team was payed.


10k Nuyen (5 RVP) 5 Karma (5 RVP) 2 CDP (base) an extra 7k nuyen due to rescuing 7 soldiers.

Optional: Pasiphae was allowed to take 2 RVP from Nuyen as 4000k towards legal vehicles each.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Timber: "Fairly simple in concept and execution. I was glad to help out against the bug swarm in Kansas, but I don't know if I'll want to go back. The number of infestations seems higher than I was expecting it to be; it's a low-trust environment, and my specialty is not in counter-espionage. Something to keep in mind at least if I am called upon to fight there again.

"Pasiphae seemed pretty upset we had to leave probable flesh form spirits behind. I admire her morality, but I hope she doesn't have to get involved in war again. This isn't a situation where every heavy risk can be taken without consequence. She and Hunter both performed excellently, though, and I'd be happy to work with them again in a less insect-saturated environment."