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Mind control and similar abilities (including the Control Thoughts, Mob Mind, Control Emotions, and Mob Mood spells, and the Compulsion critter power, amongst similar abilities) are a line for me. If a run is likely to involve these effects, feel free not to include me.

GM Style Sheet

Declining the Meet

If your character is likely to decline at the meet, I'd prefer you didn't apply. As a GM I'd like to make sure player slots are filled by people who want to play, and joining a run with the intention of declining and bailing means that someone else who might have stuck around doesn't get their time to have fun.

Derailing the Run

I am fine with this, as long as it is done with the understanding that there will be consequences. If you are applying with the knowledge you will probably attempt to derail or thwart the run, please note as such in your application. If you decide to do so during a run, please make sure that I and the other players are alright with it before doing so.

Realism and Seriousness

This fluctuates wildly based on the run theme between mohawk and trenchcoat, and possibly on the threat level. I wholeheartedly believe that the Shadowrun setting has ample room for both goofy and very serious story beats, and even ones that incorporate both silly and serious moments. Mohawk runs are more likely to be unrealistic, while trenchcoat runs will usually be serious and lean harder on realism, but I will still try to make the tone clear in run posts.

Consequences and Failure

Failure is a key point in character arcs, and just in personal growth in general. I believe in failure leaving a way out, and failure, either through bad rolls or bad decisions, will mostly introduce new complications rather than directly put you down. As long as you're alive, you can keep moving forward.

That said, just because I believe complications are more interesting than outright death, that doesn't mean that damage and death aren't a possible consequence of repeated or extreme failure. I will also not be shy about inflicting tone-and-situation-appropriate unpleasantness upon your characters.

My Characters

Current Characters

  • Welsh Longbowman: Timber (Archer. Scout. Survivalist. Anticorporate environmentalist.)
  • Draconic Summoner: Belfry (Training herself to one day take on blood mages and avenge her girlfriend.)

Characters I Am Working On

  • Snake-Hacker (Snacker): Signal (Feels like they need to prove themselves, but they don't know to whom yet.)
  • Giant Blacksmith: Anvil (Latent drake fighting to carve out a home.)

My Runs

Falling Dusk, Part 2 (Midnight)15 October 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 18 October 2084
If You Can't Stand the Heat, Get out of Hell's Kitchen14 September 2084