Herding a Bear

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Herding a Bear
LocationRedmond, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Milk Run Escalated to High
Factions Involved


Neznayka invites Saint to go hunting. Things, uh, escalate.


Neznayka's home in Snohomish is out in the woods. A subsistence hunter with many animals to keep fed, she makes a habit of hunting in the area. In a bid to teach Saint some lessons, she's brought the budding samurai out to the woods for an expedition.

The First Encounter

The dogs pick up the trail of something as they explore the woods. Examining the tracks, Nez is able to determine that the likely culprit is an herbivorous hooved animal - elk, moose, maybe a boar though the latter seems unlikely. The dogs take the lead, seeking the animal at the end of the trail - and the pack is able to spot out the animal, standing at the opposite edge of a clearing.

Slowly, the hunters approach, and the crack of a rifle rings out: not theirs, but a third party. A pot-bellied hunter approaches - says a prayer over the body, then drags the animal away in a Thundercloud Morgan as Saint and Nez philosophize about the nature of letting things go.

The Bear

Several hours of fruitless searching later, Emelya picks up on a new scent. Tracing it along, Nez is eventually able to find a track belonging to a bear. Excited, she insists to Saint that they'll look at this one but not hunt it - out of respect for predators.

A brief debate between the pair of them, and then they set off to put eyes on the beast.

When they find it, though, Neznayka is able to identify it as a Piasma - an awakened bear, armored up as an orc and able to crush a car. Knowing the threat this represents to the people of Snohomish, and worried that it will be attacked by hunters, Neznayka decides that the pair are obligated to lure it out of the city. Their plan is straightforward: have Saint take a scent lure ahead of the bear, and draw it towards the border.

The Run

With enough information to feel like they won't be shot, the team goes to the Green Light. Diestra and Ryuuji head on in, while the rest of the team set up outside to keep watch. They take up conversation with an ork at the bar, who they quickly identify as Tajin - he helpfully identified himself. When one asked to speak in private, he whistled - and the whole bar cleared out towards the rooms upstairs.

From his comm, Knock is able to determine that Tajin has been making deals with local ganger Red Wedge (no relation to any other Reds except in having a favorite color). These deals introduce drug trading into the MCT plant, but in exchange Red Wedge has gangers keeping an eye out for Shadowrunners. Shadowrunners like the ones hanging around outside.

And - soon enough, it becomes clear that they're fending off more than one team. Panda and Knack spot at the same time that a man tumbled to the dirt where he'd been lurking with a few other gangers by a car. A couple mroe strikes, and the team realized what was going on. Shots were fired on all fronts - Knock flattened their decker, Panda sprinted across the street to take down the enemy mage, Diestra and Knack and Ryuuji all took turns trying to knock down the adept before Diestra got a solid hit in, leaving a bleeding gouge in his stomach. As he became visible at the same time, every ganger started turning their guns his way - and opened fire. Without hesitation, Ryuuji stood in the way - tanking sprays of SMG bullets to keep the opfor runner from being killed. A man of honor indeed.

That threat resolved, every ganger on the street looks to the SURGEd Goat Panda - and feeling the weight of their eyes, the Panthera elf flees over a pair of fences to avoid being perforated.


After the shooting's over, Tajin comes clean with the runners - and scrapes together some cash to pay them. The defeated opfor runner team agrees to take the fall for the botched job in exchange for their lives - while there's likely not much gratitude, they've at least lived to fight another day.


Run Rewards for "An Autoclave's Pressure and Heat" (Medium, 13 RVP)

10,000 Nuyen (5 RVP)

6 Karma (6 RVP)

6 CDP (2 RVP)

-1 MCT Rep

Optional Rewards:

Contact - Carly Reeves (4/1) (4 RVP) - Sticking around to give the reporter a bit of backstory could earn her commcode.

Contact - Tajin the Rabblerouser (2/2) (3 RVP) - A local 'labor rights activist' is pretty glad you didn't bust up his meeting place.

For Ryuuji Soaking Six Gangers to Save some Sap - Tough as Nails at Chargen Rates

For Knock - Speed Reader at Chargen Rates

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


Knock Knock! Guess who! It's me~ I known you're there. I see you~ say hello! Hello world. Bop bop, chop chop! Edea knows you're there. Bang! Not dead? Bang! BANG!!!! oops, you died. Too bad.

Diestra : Helping those people as their champion felt good, can't really help myself on that...The corporation deserve a bit of beating sometimes.