Thalia "Flinch" Sinclair

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Thalia "Flinch" Sinclair
Ganger Doc
You seem to be injured
Please let me assist you
Don't worry, I'll wear gloves.
Contact OwnerFangblade_
Owner's Discord NameFangblade_
Public Contact?Yes
AgeMiddle aged
Preferred Payment MethodMedical Supplies
Personal LifeDepressed
FactionThe 162s
AspectsMedical Expertise
Empathy and Negotiation


Thalia Sinclair was once a compassionate doctor known for her dedication to her patients and her willingness to go above and beyond to provide care. As the pressures of the job mounted, the systemic inadequacies and relentless flow of patients led to burnout. Thalia began to cut corners, not out of negligence, but as a desperate attempt to save as many lives as possible with the limited resources available.

Her life was shattered when one of her patients, driven by their own desperation and paranoia, attacked her, leaving her infected, turning her into a ghoul. The infection marked her as an outcast in the eyes of society, and she was shunned by those she once helped. Abandoned and on the brink of despair, Thalia was taken in by the 162s.

Despite their criminal activities, they provided her with a sense of belonging and purpose. Grateful for their acceptance, Thalia began working as their doctor, earning the nickname "Flinch" due to her initial nervousness and the visible effects of her infection, which caused involuntary muscle spasms.

Now, Flinch serves as a street doc and medical caregiver for the 162s, using her skills to keep them alive and healthy. Despite her affiliation with the gang, she maintains her principles and continues to help anyone in need, offering her services to anyone who requests them, regardless of their background or affiliation. Her past experiences and the infection have left her jaded and somewhat cynical, but her core desire to help others remains intact.

Thalia is pragmatic and resilient, having adapted to her new life with the 162s. She can be brusque and blunt, a result of her disillusionment with the medical system and the trauma of her infection. However, she is deeply empathetic, often putting others' needs before her own, sometimes to her detriment. Her infection has also imbued her with a heightened sense of caution and awareness, always on guard for potential threats.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Medical Expertise Thalia is a highly skilled doctor with extensive knowledge of both traditional and unconventional medical practices.
162s Her time with the 162s has honed her ability to navigate dangerous situations and think on her feet. Any situation related to gang activity she seems to flourish in.
Empathy and Negotiation Her genuine care for others allows her to connect with people on a personal level, making her an effective negotiator and mediator.


Knowledge Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 0 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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