Knock for Six

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Knock for Six
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Six of Hearts Character1


Six discovers more of what is going on to both the world and those she cares for.


Having rediscovered a long lost flame, Six continues to develop her relationship with Tessen, however, unknown to her, things may have turned out far worse than she originally may have thought. The city of Seattle ceasing to rest even in the darkest of times.

The Meet

Relaxing amidst her home, Six receives a vague DNI from Tessen's comm, stating to meet her at a set of exact coordinates to a beach in Tacoma. Despite messaging back Six received no reply and headed straight there with little delay. Upon arriving all she noticed was murky water and an abandoned building. Doing all she could to scout it out before bringing her weapons in toe, ready for an engagement. Sneaking in and hiding amongst a corner she looked throughout the room. Despite her keen senses and multitude of sensors, she failed to notice a specific figure unveiling themselves and sitting at a chair. A legend amidst the Ancients simply known as Bananach, and as Six knows through Tessen, the leader of the Kuro Hana. Eventually taking a seat across from him Six was interviewed by the figure who inquired about her past with the ancients, where her loyalties lie, and the nature of her relationship with Tessen. Six managing to answer most straight forward but with various questions she didn't know the answer to or did not wish to admit deep down. Eventually Bananach slid across a familiar small commlink that had belonged to Tessen but was covered in blood. Six naturally being concerned asked Bananach what had happened. Bananach simply then stating she had been sent on a mission to figure out some of the activity on the Cutters only for her to have gone dark with no sign of her body of presence anywhere. She was to investigate a warehouse, look into one Lichtenberg, then investigate a shipment coming in the docks. The objective that was to take place tonight was to figure out the nature of the shipment on its to the Cutters. And after that to figure out where she may have gone. Upon asking if she would look into this Six agreed to this without question. Bananach also agreeing to give her the pay Tessen would have received for the completed assignment. Nodding along with this Six headed out towards the Cutters meet point to figure out what may have happened to Tessen.

The Plan

As Six made her way towards the shipment she made one quick comm call to one Freya and ask her to find all she could on Tessen's commlink. Being vague about the details for both of their sakes. As Freya looked through the comm panic set in her mind as the information on the commlink had VERY sensitive information and contacts. Six thankfully able to calm her down was able to figure out some things that had transpired. It would take some time though so Six let her work her magic as she headed towards the shipment location. Arriving near a set of docks near Tacoma, Six looked about to see a substantially sized group of cutters, some of which wearing far heavier armor than normal. A group of three wooden crates seemingly being what they were there to obtain and transport. Thinking on the fly as to how to go about this, Six contacted Freya once more to potentially divert the dock workers attention away that would give her a clear line of access to the crates. Manipulating a nearby crane, Freya managed to draw the attention of dockworkers as a shipping crate dropped to the ground. With the Dock workers now elsewhere Six stealthfully made her way towards the crates. However some of the cutters seemed to be an annoyance as two stared at the crates seemingly on guard for anything suspicious. Annoyed by this Six climbed the latter of a close by crane and prepared to throw a loud flashbang in a nearby alley to divert their attention further. With one quick toss the diversion seemed successful as she slipped back down and towards the crates. As she tried to peer in she noticed it too well secured, the wood seemingly a plot to mask what it was. So the use of her flyspy was in order as well as her ultrasound. Inside there seemed to be assault rifles, snipers, armor, and football sized objects near the bottom of the containers. Suspicious of this obviously her flypsy able to slip barely through some of the cracks noticed a familiar logo with a trojan helmet atop it. Annoyed by this Six left her Flyspy with the shipment, eager to see where it was to go before she managed to slip away just as easily as she entered.

The Cutters confused still set off towards their various destinations. Their first stop a nearby storage container yard in Tacoma. After following them closely Six watched as Lichtenberg made themselves known to the world. One of the shipment crates opened before him. Lichtenberg denying the Alpha's and Desert Strikes. However, he was interested in the set of milspec armor that awaited. To be used once for a future assignment the Cutters would remain in touch with him about. However, despite the camouflage and pilot of the flyspy Lichtenberg was able to see it. And all he did was simply give it a wink before playing with the thing below the milspec armor. Seemingly potent metallic canisters that appeared to be highly potent explosives. Worried about Lichtenberg's... playing around as he slapped the canisters, the Cutter in charge of the shipment took it back before informing him they would be in touch. Leaving with the shipment pardon the set of milspec Lichtenberg set in his home. Not too long after his commlink was hacked as Six wished to discuss things with Lichtenberg. Not much came of the discussion pardon threats and promises before Six hung up. Keeping the address of his home under her eye as she continued on trailing the Cutters and the shipment.

Wishing to stop them fully, Six called upon nearby Ancients to assist her with this endeavour. A small group able to rapidly respond made themselves known. Six got to work with them setting up an ambush near where she assumed them to be heading. Laying explosives for the front car and hoping to attack the two rearward vehicles manually as to not set off the explosives. With her and the ancients ready all they now did was sit and wait.

The Run

As the convoy came into sight the explosives were detonated. Nearly obliterating the first vehicle and crippling the second, almost exactly according to plan. The Cutters that survived exited their respective vehicles. Six choosing to take on the larger more armored individuals while the Ancients took on the more basic Cutters. The engagement proving far more taxing than she thought as the leader of the convoy proved to be a pretty potent mage as his spirit also joined the fight. Bouts of gunfire were sent across as the factions clashed. Six managing to hold her own barely against the well armored men who seemed to not feel any pain as they combatted her and the other Ancients. One of said Ancients sadly losing their life as one of the well armored men shot them center mass with their rifle. Thought despite their loss the Ancients and Six pulled through. With Six managing to get the heavier men to retreat as she crippled their arms and abilities to fight. With all of them barely able to stand the fight was won as the Cutters leader was abducted by Six and thrown into the back of her car.


On the way back Six finally heard back from Freya. Tessen sadly had little on her comm but she was able to piece that Tessen was investigating one remote storehouse in the docks of Tacoma. Six in return for this promising to get her a nice dinner and perhaps more. Flustered Freya agreed and hung up the comm. Meanwhile the Cutters tried to escape repeatedly but was stopped by Six, stating he was a dead man and would make any deal for his freedom pardon the information she was after. Which did not bode well as he was escorted back towards the abandoned house Banananch summoned her from. After throwing him inside the interrogation began as the Cutters was bound to a chair. Bananach simply watching to see what she would do. Six showed the man no mercy as he was tortured without remorse. Screaming aloud in pain before eventually agreeing to talk. This whole operation was organized by a group of men clad in black armor. Nothing about the armor identifiable before being told to pick up the shipment. As for Tessen he knew little other than a storehouse near Tacoma owned by one Unlucky Jack had been spied upon however the figure that was trespassing was captured, their fate unknown. Confident this was Tessen Six did not seem ready to send the man packing having seen her face and what she had done. Bananach then tossed her an injection needle filled with lace, telling her the fate of the man was in her hands. Proceeding to hold the man in her grasp poised to kill. The hint of mercy within her remained as she chose to inject him, wiping his memory of the exchange.

Leaving a medkit to work its magic, Six spoke to Bananach about all that had transpired. He nodded along and gave her one piece of information he found investigating on his own. The storage house she was investigating belonged to an Ares suit known as Arma Remington. Six paused as the name rang through her mind. Thanking Bananach for this information as she pondered what to do. Bananach relayed that he felt something seemed off about all this. That this conflict and everything surrounding it didn't sit right with him. He felt as though things were happening in Seattle. And that the city best prepare for whatever it may be. He then left saying not much else, leaving Six to her own vices as he slipped away with barely a sound or sight.

Six desperate for answers tried reaching Arma to little avail. After this however Six reached out to one Raytheon who was all too happy to answer the comm and chat with her. Six inquired about the storage house and he acknowledged it belonged to his employer Arma. But he had no idea of any regular involvement with the cutters. Knowing she had ties with Arma she asked what it would take to get in touch with him through Raytheon. His price somewhat steep and with a favor involved Six agreed. Also two REALLY large homemade burgers with real meat and no soy or synthetic stuff. Six eventually received an anonymous comm from none other than Arma, who inquired as to why he was reaching out to him. She told him of what was going on and Arma relayed he knew of Unlucky Jack and how he had done him a multitude of services as a runner. Though the nature with the Cutters was unknown even to him which bogged his mind for a moment. He stated he would look into it and that Six could expect a call from him at any moment in the near future. After thanking Arma and hanging up, Six was left infuriated by the lack of closure. Tessen still missing and now a whole new world of mysteries going on in Seattle. And now she sits in wait. Hoping for that call, and hoping to be ready for wherever this rabbit hole goes.


  • Deadly 22 RVP (17 x 1.25)
  • 20k nuyen (10 RVP)
  • 6 karma (6 RVP)
  • 12 CDP (6 RVP)

+2 base CDP

Counts as Initiation for Six


  • Raytheon Contact at loyalty 2 (C5/L2) (7 RVP)

(Owe him a chip regardless)

  • Can Raise Freya's loyalty to 5

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)