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Kuro Hana (professional assassin for the Ancients)
This is business, nothing more, nothing less.
Owner's Discord NameTidanShock#tidanshock
Public Contact?Yes
ArchetypeCustom (A,K,N,G)
LocationNone of your concern
Preferred Payment MethodInformation
Personal LifeComplicated
AspectsIt's STRICTLY business
Amongst the Shadows
Ancients Agent
Ethno Gangs
High Targets
Lay low for a while
One and the same
One with the night


Tessen is a well trained assassin working for the Kuro Hana, a shinobi inspired subdivision of the ancients dedicated to subtle assassinations and intel gathering. Herself being among the quickest to rise through their ranks and become among their best agents. Everything else about her is kept behind lock and key by her own will and volition.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
It's STRICTLY business Even before her training, Tessen was always a shut in individual who rarely let anyone know much about her or what she was thinking. Her loyalty cannot be raised above 2 outside of runs.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Amongst the Shadows Knowing the countless ways in which to divert attention and where to lie in order to remain hidden from plain sight. Tessen is rarely if ever seen when she does not wish to be. +2 to checks made that involve stealth.
Ancients Agent Having spent most of her life amongst their ranks or being raised by them, Tessen's knowledge of the Ancients and their ongoing operations are second to few. +2 to checks made that relate to the Ancients.
Ethno Gangs Having grown up amidst the ancients, Tessen has learnt of other gangs and factions dedicated to members of their own races as well. Whether it be simply to be in the know, or gain the upped hand on their enemies. +2 to checks made that involve ethno gangs.
High Targets Having gone up against countless targets of many power levels and skill sets, Tessen has learnt a thing or two about dealing with the corporate elite and simply those with good security. +2 to checks made pertaining to wealthy or powerful individuals.
Lay low for a while Knowing the right places to lay low and avoid pursuers of all varieties. +2 to checks made to find effective safe areas.
One and the same After finding refuge amidst the ancients and finding family amongst them. Tessen has grown a bias for those of her own kind. +2 to checks made for elven PCs with this contact.
One with the night The dark blue skies polluted with lights is often an amazing cover for those that know how to use it right. +2 to checks made if said request is made during the night time.


Knowledge Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Six of Hearts4-1

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