Niamh O'Sullivan

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Niamh O'Sullivan
Niamh O'Sullivan.jpg
Crimson Crush Matrix Support
"Crushed by IC? Not today."
Contact OwnerEnigmaticOxygen
Owner's Discord NameKeeper M#0043
Public Contact?Yes
LocationTouristville, Redmond, Seattle
MetatypeElf (Ork Poser)
Preferred Payment MethodService (Free-Labor Job)
Hobbies/ViceEntertainment (Matrix Games)
Personal LifeSingle
FactionCrimson Crush
AspectsRace Traitor
Genuine Ganger
Rambling Study
Iterative Collaboration
Cracks Computers
Daring Decker
Crushing on Crimson Crush
Sleaze Sensei
Gamer Girl
Trog Historian


Niamh (pronounced /n̠ʲiəw/ or "neve") O'Sullivan comes from an affluent Elven District family embodying the worst stereotype of snooty elves, which she's always hated. Not feeling well in her body, assumed to be a pretty face instead of a bright mind, this Matrix Science graduate was shunned by her relatives when celebrating the graduation ended in her drunkenly undergoing cosmetic surgeries betraying what she'd always wanted, deep inside: becoming an ork poser. Cut from the funds and declared a race traitor, she took her cyberdeck and the pocket money she still had, relocating to a ramshackle Touristville tenement. There, she managed to come onto the radar of the Crimson Crush. Matrix support is a rare treat for them, so they're happy for her help, not privy to her past. Yet.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Race Traitor Many elves stick to the general set of stereotypes of being pretty and insular. Some, like the rest of the O'Sullivans, relish them. Niamh definitely doesn't, which makes her a black sheep. Not only does she speak out against them. She's also an ork poser. Most elves take offense at this kind of betrayal, resulting in her being hated in those communities.
Genuine Ganger Niamh will not move against her gang knowingly. Just no.
Rambling Study She gets excited about most of her Matrix investigations and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Niamh gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
Iterative Collaboration While quite excited to work with runners, she tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. She just loves feeling wanted for a change, which she never felt before the gang. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
Cracks Computers Graduated with flying colors and doesn't plan to stop. Niamh receives +2 to skills in the Electronics skill group.
Daring Decker Graduated with flying colors and doesn't plan to stop. Niamh receives +2 to skills in the Cracking skill group.
Crushing on Crimson Crush She's a fangirl of the gang, hands down. Networking with them as well as knowledge skills like Gangs, Underworld and Area Knowledge are at +2. In addition, if she works a job which benefits the Crush (GM discretion), this aspect also applies.
Info-Gatherer Knowledge is power. She knows this well. Looking for information on the Matrix is in her bloodstream. If you want something found through a Matrix Search action, she's your woman.
Sleaze Sensei She's a dedicated Sleaze-based decker, wanting to get in and out of systems with paydata. If your Loyalty with her is 2+, you can purchase the Sensei quality for her so that she teaches you the Cracking or Electronics group. Even if it's not, Sleaze actions are at +2.
Gamer Girl The Matrix isn't just a way to make a crust for her, but a passion. Related knowledge skills (for example Matrix, Programming, Matrix Games etc.) are at +2. In addition, you never know if her gaming buddies can be helpful by chatting someone you lure into the host up as a distraction.
Mathemagics She's skilled at abstract thinking, with ware like her Math SPU or the Attention Coprocessor to aid her further. She makes Mathematics and related tests at +2, benefitting from the equivalent of the Perfect Time quality.
Trog Historian While not her professional interest, she's into ork and troll culture. The Black Forest, King Juan Carlos II, Neil the Ork Barbarian. She can tell you much about such topics. She's also a decent networker with the tusked people. Tests related to ork and troll culture or networking with its representatives are at +2.


Knowledge Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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