Missing Persons

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Missing Persons
LocationTacoma, Seattle
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Fading of the Dawn


The team is sent on a job to find some missing kids and eventually track them down to a "clinic" being run be ghouls. Eschewing anything quiet, they kick in the door and go loud, dropping the ghouls in front of some witnesses and then rescuing the kids. Thankfully, Poe was invisible, Meltdown wore a disguise, and Miut wasn't on site. Dawn, however, due to going Drake form in the clinic, gets a little bit of matrix publicity as a result. Thankfully for her, she was wearing FBA with a full helmet - though how many Giants run around in FBA?


"Hey I got me a job that crossed my desk. Seems like onna them bleeding heart gigs - coupla missing teenagers. Client ain't got much scratch but they put some together. Don't expect a big payday and guns blazing run. Pawns have given them the runaround about being too overloaded with cases so they came to our neck of the woods. If this is up your alley, toss me the deets. We'll meet at a soy-noodle place. You're buying.


The Meet

The team meets with Silas, the Johnson, at a noddle stand in an open air market in Tacoma where he explains that some local Tacoma parents have tried to go to KE for some of their missing teenagers, only to be turned away. He explains that they put some scratch together to hire some "out of the box" help to find their kids. He shares the parental contact information, noting that it's unusual for things but this kind of case warrants it.

The missing kids are:

  • David Casey, 14, male ork
  • Jordan Yates, 15, male Elf
  • Veronica Bowers, 15, female human
  • Rosa Bass, 15, female dwarf
  • Ben Black, 16, male human

The Plan

Kick in the door, gas the bystanders, and tackle the ghouls in the clinic.

The Run


Miut does a deep matrix search, looking for information on the parents and digging some stuff up over an hour. Dawn sleeps off another novacoke crash and Meltdown chats up Poe's raven. The orc and the raven share some deep thoughts. She finds that the kids are more or less on their own for most of their life, their parents being overwhelmed with work and the life issues of having low lifestyles.

The runners consider what might be praying on the kids:

  • Miut considers that gangs often recruit kids like this into gangs
  • Fading of the Dawn considers that there are -so many- things which pray on people, infected being among them.
  • Meltdown considers that Wild Spirits might be responsible, given it's Seattle in October.
  • Poe considers that there are plenty of conspiracy theories which cover abduction for everything from the Deep State to Dragons, though based on the "almost E" section of Tacoma the kids are from it seems unlikely to be any kind of police sweep.

The team goes to interview the parents, trying to get information on the kids. While the parents are nervous, the non-ork families are clearly distrustful of the Giant and the Ork in their living room, making Poe's job a touch harder. They learn:

  • Miut and Poe gets a shirt in order to have a 'smell' from the rooms to try and track the kids.
  • Poe manages to steal a hairbrush for an materiel link while Dawn distracts the parents.
  • One of the kids had Push. Some of them had various interests in music, video games, etc.
  • The parents are able to give the team the kids commcodes and commlink info
  • The team learns that the parents are not super checked into their kids, entirely unaware of if their kids are acting strange.

While the parent montage is occurring, Miut does some more matrix searching, heading to the Tacoma GridGuide host (R4) to check traffic cameras.

  • Each of the kids got grabbed by a white panel van / bulldog
  • Miut loses the van on cameras in a "near E" set of neighborhoods in the very south of Tacoma.

Poe uses a Detect Individual spell using the material link. Having the area narrowed down by Miut helps the spirit narrow their search. The team learns:

  • The kids appear to be at a local medical clinic, the type that focuses on cheap and affordable "healthcare" and "skincare" - often milking poor and desperate people for a "brand new you".

The Clinic

As the group arrives, the yerzed out truck of Poes attracts some attention from some bored KE patrol cops who don't like the look of the truck. Thankfully, they don't find Dawn in the back of the truck, Poe's SIN comes back clean, and he manages to talk his way past the bored and annoyed cops.

The team heads to the clinic and Miut gets into the host. She is able to get access the host and get the cameras and set them to loop. Poe creates an astral window and then clairvoyances through the ward. He is able to reveal the two medical rooms where the kids are being, more or less, farmed for meat for the two infected ghouls who are the "Doctors" of the clinic.

The team loads up with non lethal gear, such as stick and shock as well as gas grenades, and prepares to breach. On one hand, they use stick and shock on the various lab techs.

On the other, Dawn becomes a drake. In front of Witnesses. With Distinctive Style - though she is in full body armor with a helmet.

A short fight breaks out in front of some of the lab techs where the team stomps the ghouls, despite them being able to take some heavy punishment. Miut, from the matrix, sets the revival codes and re-awakens the teenagers who are relatively unharmed and, thankfully, remember none of it after being kidnapped.

A short ride with Jean Baptiste later, the kids are returned safely.


Teens returned home safe and relatively unharmed. Happy parents, happy hooders


High - 15 RVP

  • 12 Karma (12 RVP)
  • 6000 Nuyen (3 RVP)
  • 2 CDP
  • Counts as an Ordeal for Initiation: Fading of the Dawn
  • +1 Public Awareness for Dawn (how many Giants are there that go full Drake form)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Poe "The ghouls are following suit after Fear the Dark. This is going to be a problem. Nice to help some families. Glad we found the kids before it got worse."

Meltdown "What started off as finding a bunch of kids turned into busting down a people harvesting clinic ran by ghouls, talk about an introduction to the work."

Miut "Happy to help a few goblins make it back home.. Feel a bit proud finding them quick enough. Hopefully they'll heal up with minimum scarring, and I hope that they were conked out hard enough not to remember what happened.."