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Cat man.jpg
Decker Rigger Sam
Socially Terrified Catboy
Wiki UserWikiUserName
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - A
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension1
# Optional Infected powers allowed0
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


Tech obsessed rich kid with more gadgets than sense, on the run from his evil uncle.



Get His Hands on New Technology!

Invent Something Lasting

Stay Far Away From Uncle Tristan


The Caloste family was once one of MCT's brightest lights on the American continent, before they slipped away into madness and mediocrity. All because of one man: Tristan Caloste.

This is not his story. The genius inventor had already shined bright enough to scorch by the time Lohan Caloste was born. The child of a brilliant man's much less brilliant brother and his much less brilliant wife. Exceptionalism is not required when one is blood to such greatness, however contradictory that may seem. The Caloste family were comfortable, clothed in silk from the sales of optimized circuitboard inventions, used in everything from commlinks to missiles. Nothing was expected of the child, there were no great burdens placed upon before his birth, quite the opposite in fact. Nepotism and corruption assured that even if he were a drooling idiot, he would have some place in the corporation, that was how respected his uncle was. Unfortunately for him, Lohan Caloste was not a drooling idiot. His life would have been much more comfortable had he been.

From a young age, Lohan showed himself to be handy with technology of all kinds. From cyberdecks and software to prosthetics and servos to rotodrones and radio signals, the child was a born tinkerer and innovator. Everyone celebrated. His parents were excited that their child had such promising prospects, the corporation was excited at such a bright potential asset but it was his Uncle Tristan who saw the deepest potential in the boy: the capacity to cement his own legacy.


Narrative Significant Qualities


One Step Ahead (Biocomp: Cyber, Perfect Time): Lohan has always been made a little bit different. His body is like a tuning fork, synchronized at every frequency. Metal and music make merry together.

Polymath (Jack of All Trades Master of None, Technical School Education): It pays to be well-rounded and Lohan's skill were rounded out in hobby workshops and engineering classrooms all the same.

Cold and Collected (Impenetrable Logic, Trust Data Not Lore): The matrix is a cutthroat place and the best way for a rigger to close their vulnerabilities is by playing with the same tools as the enemy. Similarly, the best way to shut down devices is to have an intricate knowledge of their make and function. Lohan is both rigger and decker, applying cool calculus to his wireless functionality that keeps him operating.


Metal and CosMods (Distinctive Style, Latest and Greatest): There are downsides about treating your body like a shiny new gadget. On one hand, it means you get cute creature ears and steel limbs that can be tuned to your liking. On the other hand, it makes you stand out. Perdix is constantly clamoring for upgrades and you best believe he's going to get them.

A Nervous Wreck (Mild Phobia: Crowds, PSC 2: Speak Audibly): The smooth operator persona is entirely a farce to conceal Lohan's poor people skills. He's very polite and good at keeping his head down but when it comes to larger groups of people or public speaking in general, he completely clams up. He often uses a microphone to broadcast his thoughts audibly, rather than actually speaking out loud and he has a habit of going non-verbal, communicating solely through DNI, hand gestures or not at all. He's working on it.

Link to the Past (Records on File: MCT): Lohan Caloste is dead. Officially, his body was even recovered and disposed of. The corporation isn't currently looking to extract a dead man. Like all of their SINners, though, past and present, his genetic information is kept under lock and key by the corporation. Better safe than sorry, right?

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
My GoodbyeBreezyLow24 February 2086
HardballAsmodeusMedium7 February 2086
Pigeon Town SteppinJ.R.City that Care ForgotDeadly26 January 2086
Steppin to the WulvesJ.R.Deadly24 January 2086



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ashen Hand 5 1 Fixer (A,G,N,K)
Private HTR
First Hand Knowledge, Military Grade, Status Report, I work with professionals, act like one., Up your Arsenal, Urban Warfare, Special Forces, Ware and warfare, Tactical and Protective, Cold Mind, Cold Heart Even



Horned Bear - A former client of the organization turned on-call shadowrunner, Perdix admires the paramilitary group and especially their leader, Ashen Hand. He would like to stay in their good graces and often tries to give them gifts of scavenged electronic parts or homemade weapons, although his poor communication skills often make the exchange much more complicated than they have any right to be.


Uncle Tristan - The man who caused Lohan's flight and plight, a well-regarded inventor in the UCAS division of Mitsuhama. He tried to kill the boy and to this day, Lohan could not say why.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Perdix uses a bird motif for his agents and drone icons.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 The name of both a genus of bird (true partridge) and the mythological nephew of Daedalus, who the great inventor attempted to murder out of jealousy. In many versions of the myth, Athena takes pity on the youth and turns him into a partridge, where he escapes. That is where the name of the bird originates from.
3 A few errant posts using that as a handle on a number of technological forums. Doesn't say much but seems to have relevant insights when they do speak.
6 You find a once-viral, now heavily hard to find video of a middle-aged man in a leather jacket hitting on a catboy in a bar, who seemingly panics and throws his drink in the mans face before sprinting out. With a little bit of a shadow community knowledge, the man is clearly Ashford. The Perdix account has seemingly made attempts in the past to prevent the spread of this video, somewhat successfully.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 "Don't know nobody by that name but I might be wrong. Lotta new runners hopping into the pool these days, ne?"
3 "Huh, yeah I think I heard that name before. Perdix. He's a techie, does matrix and riggin'. That's about all I know."
5 "Did a little more asking around, seems like he's on the run from somethin' in Asia. I know that doesn't narrow it down. He's got cat ears and he's made of metal, if that helps ya narrow the fella down. Just don't spook him, he's jumpy."

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


Lohan Caloste (Real MCT SIN, Dead)

Clementine Welsh (Rating 4 Fake, UCAS)


Clothing and Outward Expression

Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments