Madame Butterfly

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Madame Butterfly
Madame Butterfly.jpg
Fixer/Club Owner
  • Club Owner
  • Elven Blood
  • High Society
  • Protector
  • Matrix Savvy
Negative AspectsNone
AgeIndeterminate, appears to be in 30's
Hobbies/ViceNothing on File
FactionStreets of Bellevue
Public Contact?Yes


Appearance: Madame Butterfly is a tall and striking elven female of indeterminate age. Whilst she appears to be in her early 30's it is believed that she is at least 60 years old (The Butterfly Effect has been open for over 30 years). She always dresses immaculately for the occasion and can seemingly fit into any environment. Her standard matrix persona is that of a tall, willowy elf in a chromatic black cocktail dress with neon green cybereyes.

Information: Madame Butterfly runs The Butterfly Effect, an exclusive Gentlemen's Club in Bellevue, Seattle. Entry to the club is invite-only and rumours abound concerning what entertainments are actually on offer in the club. Prior to the opening of The Butterfly Effect no one had ever heard of Madame Butterfly and it is not certain where she got the finance or backing to open such a luxurious club in one of the most expensive districts in Seattle. Over the years there have been several unsubstantiated rumors concerning her origins including:

● that she was once an escort herself who was favoured by either an Arabic or Tir Tairngire Prince, the human form of Lofwyr or the Oyabun of Oyabun

● that she is one of the so called "Immortal Elves" from one of the 2 Tir nations and has personal finance to rival many AA corporations

● she was a Bunraku Sex Doll whom the madame took a liking to, and who ended up taking over the business when the previous madame died, possibly at Madame Butterfly's hands

She also works as a fixer/agent, though she never mixes the 2 vocations and will not acknowledge a runner contact should they somehow gain entry to her club, though she has been known to give either guest or, in a handful of cases, permanent membership to those who have worked directly for her and performed exceptionally well.

All of her illicit meetings/contacts are carried out in her custom designed matrix host and to gain access she either contacts you and gives you the code or more often you have to prove your worth by finding out about the additional services she supplies and hacking your way in, or arranging for someone to hack in and add you to the list of accepted parties.

Aspects Description

Club Owner - +2 to any networking tests.

Elven Blood - +2 dice to knowledge skills related to the elvish population of Seattle or Tir Tairngire.

High Society - +2 to any tests regarding upper management or government officials in Seattle due to servicing high-society clientelle and getting information from her girls and other sources.

Protector - +2 to locate safe houses.

Secretive - +2 on tests to procure gear meant to disguise or obscure identities.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Characters with this Contact

Heart of the Tempest21