House Sitting

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House Sitting
Status Threat Level: Milk Run
Factions Involved
Home owner
Shifters and random nuisances
Casualties and losses
A shifter's cover, and the fridge contents


In which the runners are employed by a rich home owner and builder of safehouses to keep an eye on her large luxurious house as she has to leave for three days and is worried some spirits would want to visit the place.


Unbeknownst to the runners, the house is actually occupied by a cat shifter, who by all accounts is an assasin.

The Meet

The group meet at the house itself,Sp4rks and Skimmer taking time to catch up and wait for the rest of the team. After Entropy got up and on site and Pell cleared the heavy Seattle traffic they knock at the door. An oni woman meets them at the door and gives them the rundown. She needs her house guarded as she will be out of it for about three days. When the group asks for more details, she expands on the fact she knows some spirits are wandering around the house, and as such want competent people to defend it and keep them out. When everything is done and said, she also asks them to not poke around and then goes on her business, pushed by time.

The Plan

When getting inside, most simply gets settled in, without much pressure. Sp4rks was quick to set up sensor tags everywhere he deemed fit and an initial camera network, but the house cat was not okay with that and quickly made off with one of those. A wild goose chase went on in the house untill Entropy levitated the cat, permitting Sp4rks to get his sensor back. Entropy however got a sense that the cat was unusually resistant to it's levitation attempt, and as such the group started taking notice of it.

The Run

Pell and Sp4rks took some long haul to stay alert during their work and it was not long after that an old man and a kid showed up at the doors of the place, looking in. Not knowing how to react, the team judged best to just see how the situation would evolve and not go see them. Sp4rks wanted to be sure they had no weapons on them and made a matrix perception who would turn up no weapon, but a Spying drone in a bush near the place ! By tracing back the drone's master device, Sp4rks determined it was from nosy neighbours and opted to keep an eye out on them while not retaliating immediatly. While listening to the conversation the snooping family had in front of the entrance of the house, the team also determined they were just other snoops. Turns out the place is full of those.

Hours later, when skimmer got to sleep, Sp4rks saw while playing some Auto ping-pong in the yard a spirit of man looking like a postman straight up traversing the yard. worried about it, he contacts pell to see if this is usual but she says no, trusting her to help him out he asks what the spirit was doing here and it responds that 'nothing, just passing through'. Trough big brains, he and Pell determine he was just a spirit manifested to serve a service, passing a message most likely.

Once Entropy got up (due to his nocturnal cycle, Sp4rks got to take a dip in the pool. During this time Entropy and Pell searched for the cat, and found it in an hidden box marked as "cat's box", where they found notably a turned off commlink ! Thus Entropy tried to have a serious conversation with the cat, saying they knew he had something weird going on, while Sp4rks got out of the pool to examine the 'link. As soon as he got his hands on it he tried getting in it, but needed a password, and when Entropy tried getting it out of the cat it became aggressive and scampered off as soon as he was let go.

Hacking the 'link, Sp4rks got access to it's message history with a mysterious contact, exchanges of one phrase and never more were found, looking like assasination/spying orders and reports. Telling that to the team, Skimmer perked up and made the connection with a fellow runner, a shifter named Nogitsune who has similar behaviours.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)