Caravan Train

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Caravan Train
Part of Rough Riders
LocationSeattle Bullet Train
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Leonard MacLainn
Seattle Art Museum
Joheaux Belois
Casualties and losses


An anonymous, big shot J wants a relic from the Seattle art museum stolen off a train. He pays well and so the runners come flocking.


Players were called by fixers and given a job offer. A nice payday for a simple art theft. Somethings complicated it though. The first were Ryoma's noisy neighbors but the second was the J themselves. They seemed to be some sort of big shot, choosing to remain anonymous and sending an emissary, instead of meeting in person. Whatever the reasons, the runner put that aside for the moment and started to approach the meet site, a little Japanese cafe in downtown Seattle where's the J's man was waiting.

The Meet

Upon arriving at the coffee shop, Pell assensed it, finding the trace aura of a powerful spirit of some kind. The runners sized one another up and entered the shop. The inside was empty and cozy, with only a nevrous, suit wearing elf. Cricket immediately took the opportunity to start smoking. The J told them about the situation. The Seattle art museum was transferring some of it's stock after the news of King Beef's rampage. It was doing so by the midnight bullet train from Seattle to San Francisco. There the security would be lax and the runners would have an opportunity to strike and grab the artifact (contained within a briefcase marked by a red X) and get out.

After getting the baseline information, the runner badgered the elf to give them info on his boss. After agreeing upon the condition that the runners devices would be disabled, he told them a few scraps of info. The boss was very tall and talked and dressed like he was from 2 or 3 centuries ago. Additionally, there was some sort of aura around the man that made you want to follow him. A second assensing revealed the traces of the powerful spiritual aura were mostly centered on the elf. Setting that bizarre crop of info aside, the runners left to begin working on a plan.

The Plan

The runners milled over some ideas, eventually settling on having Trample drive out of Seattle to a point with long KE response times and wait for the train to arrive. The rest of the team would stay on the train, with Cricket stopping it from inside, letting them grab the package, hop onto Trample's ride and hightail it out of there, scot-free.

Cricket began by infiltrating the Train Station's host to put them on the guest list, along with their sprites. Trample went alongside as insurance or distraction, in case something went wrong. Despite several close calls with the security spider, Cricket was able to make it through and edit their names onto the guest registry, as well as finding out about the MAD scanners used in the train station.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)