Pickup and Delivery

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Pickup and Delivery
LocationSnohomish, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Unknown
Bayou Bill


The runners get tasked with capturing some Piasma cubs. They succeeded, but things were... strange.


A piasma and her cubs wandered into the edge of Snohomish from the forests outside of town. The mother, naturally aggressive anyway and also wanting to protect her cubs, went on a small rampage, breaking a shed and barreling through several buildings before disappearing, somewhere. While no one was hurt thankfully, the location of the paracritters was unknown, and parties began to converge on the area to hunt them down.

The Meet

The runners were called to a unassuming door in Bellevue, located in an out of the way alley away from the busier centers of the district. A quiet and calm area, Bayou Bill kicked the door down, after Glamor hesitated for a moment because of a ward.

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)