Drop Dead Gorgeous

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Drop Dead Gorgeous
Femme Fatale
High Society
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - C
Resources - A

Character Information


A Face specialising in High Society infiltration, her cover is usually as a performer (piano/violin player) or socialite. Though she can blend into most situations quite comfortably. She is a young, tall, and very attractive example of a female elf. She has modest combat skills, though is far from a front liner, she will attempt to isolate soft targets and take them out of the fight.

"Talent? Mr. Johnson I have so much talent, but that one in particular you want is a new scout of mine. Wont lie to you she's a bit green around those pointy ears but I promise you'll like her. In fact if you don't hire this one I will, just to get another look at her. She's a real babe, in fact, she's Drop Dead Gorgeous." -Ace Powers, Fixing


Maintain her High lifestyle.

Improve her 'ware.

More gear.

Set herself up properly in the Shadows.

Don't be too evil.

Buy a nice car.


Being tall, elven and beautiful most people assume DDG was born into a charmed life but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact she was given up for adoption as a child and was passed around the Seattle adoption service and foster homes. An unwanted and emotionally damaged child she developed a tough personality as a defense mechanism and often came off as standoffish and rude. She was a very reserved youth who took solace in music, at first listening to classical music and later developing a taste for modern takes on the classics. She began learning piano and violin when in the care of a foster family who encouraged their children to pursue their interests and they are skills that follow her to this day.

She expressed her elven heritage in her teens and suddenly became very sought after and popular, but by this stage she distrusted strangers to the point of hate, the added attention and hangers on just furthered this introversion. This usually however made her suitors pursue her even harder, and so the vicious cycle cycled.

In her late teens she was taken into foster care by a notable elven family who serve the Telestrian family. They lived in Seattle and on the surface were high level execs for Telestrian Industries. What they were in fact, were a recruitment front and training school for Tir Tairngire agents. Their MO was to take in stray elven children, assess their suitability for deniable asset work and then train them toward that task, heavily socialising them to be loyal to the Telestrians. DDG was a catch for them, and they saw the potential for a very useful asset in her. She was trained in the art of facing and infiltration and put under the knife in order to make her better at her job. Their plan was to make her an assassin for high society targets. DDG herself was neutral to this, on one side she could see this family were exploiting young people, however on the other they were actually feeding her and treating her better than anyone ever had, and saw greater potential in her than just her looks and were working to help her fully achieve that.

She ran the Shadows for them into her early twenties until eventually the program suddenly ended, DDG was out on a job when all contact was broken to her handlers. She assumed something had gone wrong, she didn't return home and didn't return to the safe house designated as a rendezvous point. Some of the other assets she knew of did return and she has never heard from them since. There was nothing on the news about this, and no one has attempted to contact her since. Instead what DDG did was take the money she was given to complete the job she was on (a considerable amount at the time) and set herself up on her own. The Shadows are deep in Seattle and it didn't take her long, particularly with her skills, to source a few jobs and get put into contact with some major players. She's been low-level running for a few years and is gradually making a name for herself as upcoming talent.

Theme Song


Narrative Significant Qualities


Cyber-Singularity Seeker - "We have used tools for centuries to create the most beautiful works of art, now we are the tools, now we are the art." -Canvas to DDG while installing a synthetic limb

First Impression - "That one was a total bitch, but chummer I don't mind 'cos I could look at her all day." -Ancients Ganger on DDG

Shoot First, Don't Ask "I don't know what happened officer, one minute we were just chatting this real nice lady up the next thing I see my buddy has no face and she's strutting off down toward Acorn and 5th" -Redmonds Tough in witness report to KE patrol


Insomnia (Full)

Creature of Comfort (Middle)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Don't Mess with Raccoons, EitherEva30 March 2083
Dont mess with grannyEva28 March 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ace Powers 6 1 Fixer Horizon Talent Agent Musical Talent, Corporate Deals, Keep it Classy, Fake SINs, Insider Knowledge, Horizon Agent, Hired Muscle Even
Canvas 6 1 Gear Artisan Street Doc Artist of the Flesh, Custom Design, Cyber Singularity Follower, Art Aficionado, Chrome Supplier, Workshop, Snohomish Resident Even
Terry Osborn 4 3 Service Chauffeur Tir Tairngire Asset, Riding in the lap of luxury, Hi-tech Garage, Late Night Pickup, The Who's Who, Shine On, Knight Errant Traffic Contacts Even
Jacqueline Grant 1 2 Networking Bartender Elven Blood, Pointy Ears to the Ground Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Several songs, porn sites and blogs from wannabe E-girls.
3 Gigs DDG has been played, pictures of her with orchestras.
6 Adoption records dating back to 2068 then disappear.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Hot Elven Runner.
3 A face who does occasional wetwork.
5 One of Ace Powers' recent added talent, rumours she's involved with Tir Tairngire but no proof exists.


Christina Cross R4 (Tir Tairngire)

-Restricted Augmentations

-Concealed Carry


-Restricted Substances


Had DDG been born to different circumstances and that way inclined she could have easily made it as a successful fashion model. She has the figure, the face, the hair, she's the total package. She's 6'3" and 70kg with a supple, slightly toned figure, just enough. She has a silky and full bodied mane of flowing blonde hair and her eyes are a ghostly silver that compliment her resting bitch face. The average Joe easily gets lost in them when faced with such exquisite, almost ethereal elven beauty.


DDG is usually well dressed, exceptionally well dressed in fact in order to suit her role. She's willing to slum it occasionally if the job calls for it, but mostly she's decked out in long flowing dresses with elegant cut outs to show off her figure. If she wears jewellery it is subtle and discreet, she doesn't really need it. While 'wared up to the hilt none of it is immediately noticeable, for all intents and purposes she looks like a normal pedestrian, albeit on who is clearly from a higher echelon of society.

"A flash of thigh at the right time can often open more doors than the best devices money can buy." -Maria, DDG's former mentor.

Matrix Persona

A white dove.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments