Terry Osborn

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Terry Osborn
Contact OwnerMisguidedRocket
Owner's Discord NameBrock
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, Bellevue
Preferred Payment MethodFavours, Cash
Personal LifeMarried
FactionTir Tairngire
AspectsTir Tairngire Asset
Riding in the lap of luxury
Hi-tech Garage
Late Night Pickup
The Who's Who
Shine On
Knight Errant Traffic Contacts


Terry Osborn is a charismatic elven businessman that runs a high-class chauffeur firm out of Bellevue. He does not publicly advertise his services, his workers where no logos on their uniforms and his garage has no exterior markings denoting that it is what it is. There is one main reason for this, and that is discretion. You can hire a Rolls-Royce Phaeton from many firms across the city, but Terry's drivers will not ask questions, they will not ask what's in that bodybag you're loading into the trunk, and they will drive you to your destination silently, drop you off, then leave. This does not mean he isn't recording what is going on, just that no one seems to have caught him yet.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Tir Tairngire Asset If Terry's firm is used in a job against Tir Tairngire, or one of his drivers 'overhears' information of a plot against them. Terry will have his driver do the job, then rat you out to his masters.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Riding in the lap of luxury This is a luxury taxi service, his cars include Hyundai Equus's, Rolls-Royce Phaetons, and Mercury Comets. Each have extensive privacy modifications so that those outside cannot look in, it's the cameras inside that might give you pause though. (Taxi Service)
Hi-tech Garage Terry has an extensive garage for repairing his vehicles, he will help repair or modify vehicles if the price is right, he also offers storage and delivery.
Late Night Pickup Terry has at least one driver in an armoured and modded out Mercury Comet on call at all times. He is for rapid pickups and getaways. He can be put on warning in advance to move closer to your location, but if not will be on standby in Bellevue.
The Who's Who Terry has an extensive client base amongst the haut monde and wealthy of the city, he isn't really in the business of dealing out information on them, but he might know who someone is, and where they happen to have been last seen if you ask him nicely enough. (+2 High Society Knowledge check)
Shine On Terry also owns a vehicle valeting service which operates out of his garage in Bellevue, they will have a car immaculately cleaned, polished, and even do dent removals, resprays and fill in bullet holes. It operates 24/7. He might take a sample of that blood in the trunk behind your back though, for y'know, reasons.
Knight Errant Traffic Contacts Terry has an understanding with Knight Errant, if everything seems to be on order at face value they will usually only conduct basic checks at checkpoints or in lower security areas simply wave the car through. His high-profile clients have a lot of pull and a bit of that pull has been used to help them get to that business meeting without KE bothering them.


Knowledge Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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