In Hoof We Trust

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In Hoof We Trust
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Knight Errant
Frank Grover
Crazy Hoof F3 Bloodspirit
F8 Free Bloodspirit
Casualties and losses
F3 Bloodspirit,Bloodmage,F8 Free Bloodspirit


Hoof is called to an unofficial Knight Errant assignment in Redmond. Once there, he discovers that a blood mage has invaded a school. Hoof does everything in his power to save the children and the reporter.


A free blood spirit has decided to teach a crazy blood mage and use him for his purposes. Frank has been on the trail of the two for a while and can finally put them in Redmond in a supposedly abandoned school building. However, the school was not abandoned but illegally continued to operate and there are many children and teachers on site. Frank has the school building surrounded, but KE is officially not responsible. To make matters worse, there is a reporter on site who could turn the whole thing into a media circus and Frank is worried that KE could suffer damage to its image. So Frank decides to call the only contact that could be stupid.... er brave enough to go in there and save the situation.

The Meet

Hoof, after a relaxing afternoon of math lessons from a teenage ghoul teacher, gets a call from Frank Grover who needs him urgently for an assignment in Redmond. Hoof doesn't mess around and accepts without asking for payment and Frank sends a squad car. On the way, Hoof is briefed on the situation at the school.

The Plan

KE shows Hoof an old escape tunnel that is laid out in troll size and Hoof decides to get into the school via this route. But let's face it Hoof didn't really make a plan.

The Run



  • 15 karma (15 RVP)
  • 10k nuyen (5 RVP)
  • 2 CDP (0 RVP)


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)