Christian Woods

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 06:22, 4 December 2017 by Mudge (talk | contribs)
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{{Infobox |title = Christian Woods |image= ChristianWoods.jpg |header1= Pharmacy Tech |header2= |header3= |header4= |label5 = Contact Owner |data5 = SilithDark |label6 = Connection |data6 = [[Connection::4] |label7= Starting Loyalty |data7 = 2 |label8 = Public Contact? |data8= Yes, Cost: 6 RVP |label9 = Archetype |data9 = Drug Dealer |label10 = Location |data10= Bellevue, Seattle |label11 = Metatype |data11 = Human |label12 = Sex |data12 = Male |label13 = Age |data13= Early Twenties |label14= Preferred Payment Method |data14 = Nuyen |label15 = Hobbies/Vice |data15 = Collects paper books |label16 = Personal Life |data16 = Currently attending College |label17 = Faction |data17 = EVO }}


Christian is, by appearance alone, not one you'd expect to have his toes in the shadows. But that's what makes him so good.

Working as a Pharmacy Tech at a subsidiary of EVO in Bellevue, he makes drugs and skims from the stock to sell to the 'less desirable' element.

Key Dice Pools

Chemistry 16 [Variable]

Negotiation (Bargaining) 13(15)[8]

Underworld (Drug Dealers) 11(13)[8]

Stat Block

B A R S W L I C Ess Edge Magic
3 2/4 3 2/4 3 6/8 5 4 2.225 6 -
Condition Monitor 10
Limits Physical 5, Mental 8, Social 8
Initiative 8 +1d6
Skills Chemistry 8, First Aid 6 (Gunshot Wounds +2), Medicine 4, Negotiation 6 (Bargaining +2)
Knowledge Skills Biology 6 (Anatomy +2), Medicine 7, Street Drugs 5, Underworld 6 (Drug Dealers +2), English N
Ware Muscle Replacement 2 (Used), Cat's Eyes (Used), Cerebral Booster 2, Tailored Pheromones 3 (Used)
Gear Renraku Sensei, Psyche x2, Armored Clothing


Player Characters with this Contact

Name Chips Owed/Owned
Nighthawk Even
Amur Manchurian Even
Barbarian Even

NPC who know this contact