Hooding For Emberrage

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Hooding For Emberrage
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Lord Emberrage
Toxic Magic
Bwyell Waedlyd


Lord Emberrage has a bead on a toxic mage and is calling in some favors to deal with her.


Lord Emberrage has a burning hatred of all things toxic and has a lead on a toxic mage that has been abducting local free spirits. He is calling in favors owed by Astrid and Bwyell Waedlyd to investigate and deal with the matter.

The Meet

Emberrage has reached out to the teams fixers through his normal intermediary naga and was told that it was critical that they arrive quickly. Concerned that the two might not be able to handle this problem alone, Emberrage put out a call for a 3rd magical specialist and Scarecrow accepted the meeting. The team arrived to Emberrages cave in Puyallup individually and were escorted inside. There he explained to situation to the team. Free spirits have been disappearing all over Seattle and Emberrage is concerned. He sent another runner to investigate these disappearances, only to learn that his first agent has failed top the threat. A spirit sent by Emberrage to follow the runner reported that this mage had been investigating a lead and engaged the toxic mage in a fight. The spirit fled the scene as soon as the fight began to report its findings. When the runner didn't report in, Emberrage feared the worse and tapped a new, more powerful team to end this threat. Emberrage provided the runners with a location of the fight and wished them good luck.

The Plan

The team planned to travel to the location of the fight with hopes of being able to find some evidence they can use to track down this toxic mage and put a stop to them.

The Run

Arriving on scene, the team discovered a Knight Errant border around the area of the fight. Uniformed officers cordoned off the area, civilians stood overlooking the scene and plain clothed detectives were taking quicksilver photos and assencing the area. Scarecrow imbued herself with psychometry from one of her spirits and the team prepared to try and lie their way onto the scene as contracted detectives. Only marginally successful at the con, they uniformed officers scanned SINs and the detective on duty met them with suspicion and contempt. This they were however, successful at convincing the lead detective of their role and Scarecrow attempted to read the blood remains on the ground.

The reading was greatly successful despite the slightly toxic background and Scarecrow received a detailed vision of the fight from the perspective of the now dead magician. He and his summoned fire element engaged the presumed toxic mage. The mage made extremely short work of the runner with a series of toxic waves and then captured the now rogue fire elemental before fleeing the scene. While this occurred the rest of the team set out to read any lingering signatures. The toxic mage seemed to care little for hiding her signatures, and the team discovered her to be a fairly powerful magician, magic 9.

With this information in hand, Astrid summoned a spirit of air to track the signature back to the mage. After a hour of following, they were successful and came upon an old desalination plant, decaying with its age. Patrolling outside a powerful guardian spirit with an assault rifle. All the doors to the facility were warded by strong alarm wards. Scarecrow and Bwyell decided to attempt and entry through a near by water pipe while Astrid would wait outside and slip past the patrolling watchers once combat began. A high force concealment spell and good stealth masked their approach from both physical and astral eyes. The pipe team found the inside of the building protected by a large ward, preventing them from leaving the pipe. Not confident of their ability to slip through it unseen, Scarecrow and her ally spirit destroyed the ward and the assault was on.

The team found the building full of toxic spirits serving the toxic magician, including three greatforms. Astrid spent much of her time dealing with a corrupted earth spirit, attempted all that she could think of to purge the corruption. She was not successful and ultimately had to defeat it. Meanwhile the rest of the team engaged the bulk of the spirits, 7 more in total of varying force, plus the toxic magician herself. The team has apparently interrupted the toxic mage attempting to corrupt the newly stolen fire sprit from earlier in the day. The various corrupted spirits fell one by one to the experienced runner team. Scarecrow, much to her surprise experienced an odd transformation in the midst of her battle. While counterspelling a hostile pollution wall, she found the loose magical energies absorbing into her rather than dispersing, at once she transformed into a hulking drake. Putting her new powers to the test she gored the hostile magician, freeing the captured fire spirit in the process.


With the battle concluded, the now free fire spirt thanked the team for not dispersing it, and left on friendly terms. The team discovered many spirit formula scattered about the magicians lodge. Two of the formula not yet corrupted by toxic magic. Bwyell destroyed the corrupted formala, hoping to prevent the dangerous spirits from returning. The team summoned forth the remaining two sprits and provided them with their formula for safe keeping and let them leave.


Deadly 20 RVP


set to Even favors (5 RVP)

2+10CDP (5RVP)

10Karma (10RVP)


set to Even favors (4RVP)

2+12CDP (6RVP)

10Karma (10RVP)

optional Watersprite at gen rate (6RVP)


2+12CDP (6RVP)

10Karma (10RVP)

8000Y (4RVP) gear rates on reagents.

Convert latent dracomorph to drake.


Lord Emberrage 5/3 (7RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)