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White-Hat Hacker
New school punk, journalist, hacker, bleeding heart.
Contact Owneravisionofdoom
Owner's Discord Name@workplacehazard
Public Contact?Yes
GenderFeminine (She/her)
Preferred Payment MethodECC
Personal LifeSingle
AspectsMatrix Native
Deep in the Weeds
You'll Never Turn Me
I've been around.
High and Mighty


$p1keslinger (Rain Simone Lee) is a storied white-hat hacker with a passion for the truth, helping the little guy, and fucking over the villains of the sixth world. She is a very gifted hacker, but she works terribly under pressure. Her Active category is her lowest not due to incompetence, but more of what could be considered stage fright. She does perfectly fine on her own timeline, in the background, but chokes up when called for backup in the middle of a run. She's used to being alone, and not on anyone's schedule, let alone in a time crunch. Personality-wise, she is idealistic but not foolish, calculating but ultimately self-sacrificial. Rain would do whatever it took, as long as she could know it would have some kind of meaningful difference.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Matrix Native $p1ke is a Matrix poweruser. She gains a +2 on any test relating to the Matrix, and any information which can be found on it.
Deep in the Weeds Rain spends most of her time looking for the thing that go bump in the night. She gains a +2 on checks relating to Cults, Human Trafficking, and Corruption.
You'll Never Turn Me Corporate dirt tastes the best, must be all those fancy pesticides! Rain receives a +2 on checks made to harm corporations, or dish up dirt on them.
Yeah, I've been around. The local Seattle area is home, and that means keeping it safe. $p1keslinger receives a +2 on tests relating to information about Seattle and it's immediate surrounding area.
High and Mighty She may not look it, but this girl has rubbed shoulders with giants. She might know something, or someone. Rain gets a +2 on tests relating to characters of connection 6 or higher.


Knowledge Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Heart of the Tempest20

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Gargamelle Bubble ChamberJohn4 September 2084