10 Byte Crooks

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10 Byte Crooks
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
Bunny Hop
Son O' Lugh


A mysterious, sweating clown has requested that the team intercept a file on his behalf. The runners proceed to snatch it.


Fixers call in to their decker friends - an odd Johnson wants something, and in spite of the scent of fish permeating the air, four respond.

The Meet

In the public host of a major hardware store, four runners meet with a clown persona. The clown looks nervous - incredibly so. Son O' Lugh picks up quickly on the fact that the clown is being fed lines, and that he's clearly not experienced with the matrix. Using this information, the team is able to pressure for both more information and more money. It comes out that the information they're after is wanted by MCT, though why is left unknown.

All the team has to do is intercept some information in a host nearby, then bring it back.

The Plan

The plan is left straightforward - go to the meet, steal the data, come back and turn it over.

The Run

All four runners popped in, and none were spotted by the Patrol IC. The team worked together to sleaze a mark onto the deck of the fileholder, and after copying it over - they were finally spotted.

A panicked bit of fast hacking later, and they've wiped out all the IC that could linklock. Just as quickly, they're out and scot free.


The clown snapped up the information, then promptly got yanked off the matrix.


Difficulty - Low (6-9 RVP)

4 RVP - 8k Nuyen

Negotiation Bonus - 4k Nuyen

4 RVP - 4 Karma

Base: 2 CDP

Optional: 2 RVP - Instinctive Hack

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


"Alright, time to see the data- what kind of data is this? It's just a heartbeat, and foot size? His feet?! What the... this isn't useful at all. At least I'm getting paid. Well, time to dry off..."


"Well! That went well. Got spotted by a couple IC, but my teammates helped me out of that one. Been a while since I had a good team on the Matrix, and boy were these people good at their jobs. Even got to slide that file on over to Warden without any trouble. All in all, a solid introduction to this place."

Bunny Hop

"Ne, Anhe, o-ma-e, you didn't tell me I'd be going to see a fragging clown. You owe me for that, 'kay~? And I know just how to cash in~ N- no wait, don't glare like that, you'll like this actually, I think I'm onto something. The Johnson clued us in that it was MCT picking up the intel, and one of the contacts trading the file was almost definitely a Yak, but the data itself was completely anonymous, just some random troll's biometrics. Fishy, ne? Think you can net a sponsor for us to look into it?"