
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Tina Williams.jpg
Actress & Singer
Social adept, sculping & body manipulation powers
Accomplished actress and singer.
Ork rights activist
Contact OwnerRichard_Villiers
Owner's Discord NameVilliers
Public Contact?Yes
LocationTacoma Uderground
Preferred Payment MethodShadowrun jobs
Personal LifeSingle
FactionOrk Underground Theatrical Society
AspectsConsumate Actress
Blends in Easily
Mistress of Disguise
Underground Connections.
Family Ties


Bat'Wejoto is the stage name of Tina Williams. Or'zet for Daughter of Against the Way (6th world slang for an Ork rights activist) her stage name reflects her commitment to Ork rights. It also reflects the glass ceiling on her career. She was recently appointed Director of the Ork Underground Theatrical Society and, along with Penelope Hopkins, put in charge of their initial production.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Consumate Actress Bat'Wejoto is a professionally trained actress with the additional advantages of being socially adept. +2 to tests in the Acting skill group.
Blends in Easily Bat'Wejoto is comfortable in a very wide variety of social settings with a variety of different people. +2 to tests in the Social influence skill group.
Mistress of Disguise Bat'Wejoto is a skilled cosmetologist. Coupled with the full panoply of adept sculpting and body manipulation powers she is a mistress of disguise. +2 to disguise tests.
Underground Connections. Her political activities bring her into contact with most of the entities with clout in the Ork Underground.+2 to knowledge tests involving Skraacha, Sons of Sauron, MOM, or the Ork Rights Committee.
Family Ties Bat'Wejoto is close to her uncle, Charles Diallo and has had years of experience meeting Federated-Boeing employees. +2 to knowledge tests for Federated-Boeing.


Knowledge Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact


NPC who know this contact

Charles "The Prince" Diallo

Victor Chekov

Katherine Davis

Penelope Hopkins

Naomi Fisk

Narrative Significant Runs

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